Non-linear Finite Element Formulation for the Study of Hysteresis Behaviour in Thin–film Photovoltaic Materials
J.L. Pérez-Aparicio and R. Palma
Hydro-mechanical Modeling of Two-phase Fluid Flow in Deforming, Partially Saturated Porous Media With Propagating Cohesive Cracks using the Extended Finite Element Method
T. Mohammadnejad and A.R. Khoei
Towards the Effective Behaviour of Polycrystalline Microstructures at Finite Strains
E. Lehmann, S. Loehnert and P. Wriggers
Multiscale Modeling of Microcrystal Plasticity
D. Hurtado and M. Ortiz
Continuum Modeling of Mg Alloy AZ31 under Uniaxial Deformation
A. Fernández, T. Pérez Prado, Y. Wei and A. Jérusalem
A Micromechanically Motivated Diffusion-based Transient Network Model and its Incorporation into Finite Rubber Viscoelasticity
C. Linder and M. Tkachuk