Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Formation and Destabilization of Plaques in Blood Vessels
Y. Yang and M. Neuss-Radu
A Micro-sphere-based Remodelling Formulation for Soft Tissue involving Residual Stresses
T. Waffenschmidt and A. Menzel
A Microstructural Approach to Modelling Inelastic Effects in Fibred Biological Tissues
E. Peńa, P. Sáez, M. Doblaré and M.A. Martínez
A Cascading Multiscale Computational Approach for the Biomechanics of Bones
U. Nackenhorst, C. Lenz, D. Kardas and A. Lutz
Determining Growth Parameters of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms by means of Inverse Analysis under Finite Deformations
S. Tinkl, M. Gee and W. Wall
Longitudinal Prestrain in Male Abdominal Aorta from Pulse Wave Velocity Viewpoint
L. Horný, T. Adámek, H. Chlup, R. Žitný, E. Gultová and J. Veselý
Mathematic Model of Aortic Dissection
B. Li, S. Roper and N. Hill