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7/9/2011    17:00 - 19:00
IS - Non-conventional Modeling and Simulation of Materials and Processes
Invited Session organized by Francisco Chinesta and Elias Cueto
Room: Sala d’Actes
Chair: Elias Cueto

Structural Dynamical Analysis by using Solid-shell Elements in Conjunction with Enhanced Assumed Strain Method
N. Mukunthamani, M.P.L. Parente, A.A. Fernandes and R.M. Natal Jorge

Neural Network Based Material Description of Uncured Rubber for use in Finite Element Simulations
C. Zopf, S. Freitag and M. Kaliske

Modeling of Plastic Behavior for Porous Bronze at High Strain Rate
P. Xue, N. Iqbal, B. Wang and Y.L. Li

Real Time Simulation of Cutting Biological Materials by Reduced Models and X-FEM Techniques
S. Niroomandi, I. Alfaro, E. Cueto and F. Chinesta

Towards a Numerical Simulation of Direct Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Parts by Powder Laser Sintering
D. Defauchy, G. Regnier, I. Amran, P. Peyre, A. Ammar and F. Chinesta

Dynamic Data-Driven Inverse Identification in Dynamical Systems
F. Masson, A. Leygue, F. Chinesta and E. Cueto

Tensor Decompositions and the Proper Generalized Decomposition in the Simulation of Materials and Processes
A. Falcó

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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