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Number of visits: 175576

Monday, October 22nd

09:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:20
Welcome Address
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
10:20 - 11:10
Plenary Lecture I
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Goal-Oriented Adaptivity in the Finite Element Approximation of Optimization Problems
R. Rannacher

11:10 - 11:40
Coffee Break

11:40 - 12:30
Plenary Lecture II
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Honorary Plenary Lecture: Verification and Validation by Discretization and Model Adaptivity with Expansions in Structural Mechanics
E. Stein, M. Rüter, S. Ohnimus

12:30 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:40
Parallel Session 1 - Goal Oriented Error Assessment and Error Bounds MoA01
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Upper Bounds of the Error in the Extended Finite Element Method using an Equilibrated-Stress Patch Recovery Technique
J.J. Ródenas, O.A. González-Estrada, P. Díez, F.J. Fuenmayor

Error Bounds and Adaptive Refinement for Reissner-Mindlin Plates
J. Almeida, O. Pereira, M. Duarte

Goal-Oriented Error Estimation and Adaptivity for Steady Fluid-Structure Interaction
K.G. van der Zee, E.H. van Brummelen, R. de Borst

Exact Error Bounds using Flux-Free Error Estimators
N. Parés, P. Díez, A. Huerta

An Explicit Estimator for Goal Oriented H-adaptivity with Mesh Optimality Criteria
J. Delmas, P. Coorevits, P.B. Badel, M. Guessasma

Parallel Session 2 - Dynamic and Evolution Problems MoA02
Room: Vasa 3
Chair: to be confirmed
Adaptive Strategies for Improved Ride Comfort over Imperfect Tracks
H. Lane, C.Y. Ching, N-E. Wiberg

Adaptivity and a Posteriori Error Estimation for Non-linear Parabolic Problems
J. de Frutos, B. García-Archilla, J. Novo

Dynamic Adaptation in Parabolic Differential Equations in Partial Derivatives
A. Mazhukin

Dynamic Adaptation Method for the Solution of Stefan Problem
M.G. Lobok, M.M. Chuiko

Use of Vibrating Sub-Boundary Layer Vortex for Diffuser Flow Separation Control
K.A. Ahmad, J.K. Watterson

15:40 - 16:10
Coffee Break

16:10 - 17:30
Parallel Session 3 - Wave Problems MoE01
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Nurbs-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM)
A. Huerta, R. Sevilla, S. Fernández-Méndez

Multimesh Adaptive Approach for Wave Propagation in Periodic Media
D. Aubry, A. Grede, A.-L Hamon, B. Tie

Wavesin Fully Saturated Porous Media Investigated by Adaptive Space-Time Finite Element Method
Z. Chen, H. Steeb, S. Diebels

Validation of 3D acoustic models: a two-step Constitutive Law Error updating method
V. Decouvreur, P. Ladevèze, Ph. Bouillard

Parallel Session 4 - Stochastic Modeling MoE02
Room: Vasa 3
Chair: to be confirmed
Finite Element Approximation of Parabolic Stochastic PDES
S. Larsson

Error Control for Problems with Uncertain Data by Functional A Posteriori Estimates
O. Mali, S. Repin

Basic Tools for Verification of Stochastic Elastic Models
E. Florentin, P. Ladevèze, J. Bellec

Robust Computation for Stochastic Problems with Contacts
J. Bellec, P. Ladevèze, D. Neron, E. Florentin

18:30 - 20:00
Reception City Hall

Tuesday, October 23rd

09:00 - 09:50
Plenary Lecture III
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Adaptive Finite Element Analyses in Structural Dynamics of Shell-Like Structures - A Specific View on Practical Engineering Applications and Engineering Modeling
K. Schweizerhof, S. Kizio

09:50 - 10:40
Plenary Lecture IV
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Adaptive Computation of Upper and Lower Bounds in Limit Analysis
J. Bonet, J. Muñoz, H. Ciria, J. Peraire, A. Huerta

10:40 - 11:10
Coffee Break

11:10 - 12:50
Parallel Session 5 - IS on Mesh Generation
Invited Session organized by Jose Sarrate
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Developing a Graphical modeling and Mesh Generation Environment using Open Source Software
J. Sarrate, X. Roca, E. Ruiz-Gironés

A New Technique for Constructing Adaptive 3-D Triangulations
J.M. Cascón, R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar, E. Rodriguez, G. Montero

Nested Domain Decomposition Direct and Iterative Solvers Based on a Hierarchical H-Adaptive Finite Element Code
J.J. Ródenas, C. Corral, J. Albelda, J. Mas, C. Adam

Quadratic Fitting for Hessian Recovery and Anisotropic Mesh Optimisation
P.E. Farrell, G.J. Gorman, M.D. Piggott, C.C. Pain

Hexahedral Mesh Adaptation for Finite Volume Methods
G. Nicolas, T. Fouquet

Optimal and Quasi-Optimal Meshes for Numerical Solution of PDEs
K. Lipnikov, Y. Vassilevski

Parallel Session 6 - IS on Multiscale
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal
Room: Vasa 3
Chair: to be confirmed
Keynote Lecture - On an Adaptive Approach for Atomistic-to-Continuum Coupling Methods
S. Prudhomme, P.T. Bauman, H. Ben Dhia, N. Elkhodja, J.T. Oden

Adaptive Simulation of Multiphysics Problems
M.G. Larson, A. Malqvist

Adaptive Residual-Based Multiscale Modeling of Turbulence
I. Akkerman, S.J. Hulshoff

The Seamless Bridging of Scales in Material Modeling of a Composite based on Adaptive Error Control
F. Larsson, K. Runesson

12:50 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:40
Parallel Session 7 - Adaptive Advanced Discretization Techniques TuA01
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Accurate Recovery-Type Error Estimation for Linear Elastic Frature Mechanics in FEM and X-FEM based on a Singular+Smooth Field Splitting
J.J. Ródenas, E. Giner, F.J. Fuenmayor, O.A. González-Estrada

Strict Bounds for the Stress Intensity Factors Computed by the Extended Finite Element Method
J. Panetier, P. Ladevèze, F. Louf

An Efficient FEM/BEM Approach for 3D Crack Propagation Simulation
B. Helldörfer, G. Kuhn

Goal Oriented Adaptivity in the Element Free Galerkin Method
Y. Vidal, A. Huerta

Error Estimation and Adaptivity for Extended Finite Elements
M. Duflot, S. Bordas

Parallel Session 8 - Flow Problems TuA02
Room: Vasa 3
Chair: to be confirmed
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Simulation of Contaminant Transport in Oil Recovery Problems
B. Chetverushkin, N. Churbanova, A. Malinovskij, A. Soukhinov, M. Trapeznikova

A Cartesian Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Simulating Physiological Flows
Y. Imai, T. Miki, T. Aoki, M. Nakamura, T. Ishikawa, S. Wada, T. Yamaguchi

Mesh-Adaptive Methods for Viscous Flow Problem with Rotation
E. Gorshkova, P. Neittaanmaki

Functional Methods of A Posteriori Error for Viscous Flow Problems
S. Repin

15:40 - 16:10
Coffee Break

16:10 - 17:10
Parallel Session 9 - Inverse Problems TuE01
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Adaptive Approach and Choice of Norms Related to the Regularization of Inverse Problems
G. Puel, B. Tie, D. Aubry

Basis Construction for Reduced Basis Methods by Adaptive Parameter Grids
B. Haasdonk, M. Ohlberger

Error-Controlled Identification of Viscoelastic Relaxation Spectra
H. Johansson, F. Larsson, K. Runesson

Parallel Session 10 - Error Control for Advanced Problems TuE02
Room: Vasa 3
Chair: to be confirmed
Adaptive Finite Elements for Multiphysics
M.G. Larson, F. Bengzon, R. Söderlund

A Non-Intrusive Version to get Strict and Sharp Error Bounds of Local Quantities for Linear Viscoelasticity Problems
L. Chamoin, P. Ladevèze

Stabilization and A Posteriori Error Estimation: Nonlinear Problems
J. de Frutos, J. Novo

19:30 - 23:00
Conference Dinner

Wednesday, October 24th

09:00 - 10:40
Parallel Session 11 - Finite Volumes, Cartesian and Structured Grids WeM01
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
A Cartesian Grid Method for the Simulation of Flows in Complex Geometries
J.S. Anagnostopoulos

Adaptive Remeshing with Application to Metal Forming Simulations
X. Gu, C. Hortig, B. Svendsen

A 2-D Hydrodynamic Numerical Model of Storm Surge, using Quadtree Meshes
G. Bautista, O. Bautista, S. Palacios

A New Refinement Criterion based on Regression Diagnostics for Finite Volume Methods
J.P. Magalhães, J.M. Pereira, J.C. Pereira

CT Image-Based Respiratory Flow Simulation by using Cartesian Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method
T. Miki, Y. Imai, M. Nakamura, T. Ishikawa, S. Wada, T. Yamaguchi

Parallel Session 12 - Complex Modeling and Advanced Solvers WeM02
Room: Vasa 3
Chair: to be confirmed
Simulation of Ductile Fracture Behavior in Metal Forming Processes
K. Komori

Simulation of Three-Phase Flows in Stratified Porous Media
N. Churbanova, N. Isupov, E. Shilnikov, M. Trapeznikova

The simulation of freight train brake system with 120 valve
W. Wei, Y. Lin

Finite Element Block-Factorized Preconditioners
M. Neytcheva, G. Kreiss

10:40 - 11:10
Coffee Break

11:10 - 11:50
11:10 - 11:50
Award Lecture
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed
Ph.D.Award: Finite Element Procedures for the Numerical Simulation of Crack Propagation and Bilateral Contact
P. Heintz

11:50 - 12:00
Closing Remarks
Room: Vasa A
Chair: to be confirmed

12:00 - 13:00