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Number of visits: 212592


Thursday, September 8th

08:00 - 09:00

09:00 - 09:30
Welcome Address

09:30 - 10:30
Plenary Session
Room: 1 Main Room - Building C2
Chair: Nils-Erik Wiberg
Parallel Adaptive Methods
R. Bank

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00
Goal-Oriented Adaptivity ThM1
Room: 2 Conference Room - Building C2
Chair: Philippe Bouillard
Goal-Oriented Combined Model and Discretization Adaptivity of Nonlinear Elastic Structures - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. E. Stein
E. Stein, M. Rüter, S. Ohnimus

High Accuracy Simulations of Resistivity Logging Instruments using a Self-Adaptive Goal oriented hp-FEM
D. Pardo, C. Torres-Verdín, L. Demkowicz

Control of Molecular Statics Simulation based on Goal-Oriented Adaptivity
S. Prudhomme, P. Bauman, J.T. Oden

Goal Oriented Error Estimate for Finite Element Computations of Heat Driven Fluid Flows
B. Hægland, T. Kvamsdal

Goal-Oriented Model-Error Estimation for a Viscous/Inviscid Problem
J.M. Cnossen, H. Bijl, E.H. van Brummelen

IS-Verification & Validation
Invited Session organized by Leonard Schwer
Room: 3 Room 001 - Building C1
Chair: Leonard Schwer
Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics and the ASME Standards Committee - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. L. Schwer
L. Schwer

On the Development, Verification and Validation of a Semi-Analytical Model for Polymers subjected to Dynamic Loading
A. Haufe, P.A. Du Bois, M. Feucht, S. Kolling

An Assistance Method to Control Cost and Modelling Errors in Finite Element Analysis
E. Bellenger, Y. Benhafid, N. Troussier, P. Coorevits

Computationally Efficient Solution based Mesh Adaptation - A New Flag Strategy
P. Lucas, A.H. van Zuijlen, H. Bijl

Adaptive Modeling of CAD Model for Linear Static Computation
P. Marin, R. Ferrandes

13:00 - 14:00
Luch Break

14:00 - 16:00
IS-Meshing and Remeshing
Invited Session organized by Josep Sarrate
Room: 2 Conference Room - Building C2
Chair: Josep Sarrate
A Study on Terminal-Edge Algorithms for the Refinement/Improvement of 3-Dimensional Triangulations - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. M. C. Rivara
M.C Rivara, A. Cáceres, C. Lillo, N. Hitschfeld-Kahler

A Robust Surface Mesh Projection Formulation for Sweeping Algorithms
X. Roca, J. Sarate, A. Huerta

Optimal Semi-Structured Grid Generation in Ridges and Gaps
A. Athanasiadis, H. Deconinck

Smoothing of Complex Surface Triangulations with Efficient Local Node Movements
R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar, G. Montero, E. Rodríguez

Unconstrained Plastering - A New All-Hexahedral Mesh Generation Algorithm
M. Staten, S. Owen, T. Blacker

Modeling and Simulation ThA2
Room: 3 Room 001 - Building C1
Chair: Eric Florentin
Adaptive Meso-Macro-Scale Elastic-Plastic Material Modeling - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. K. Runesson
K. Runesson, F. Larsson

Evolutionary Search for Relevant Diagnostic Features
W. Cholewa, G. Urbanek

Identification of Multilayer Diagnostic Models
W. Cholewa, J. Wojtusik

A Simulation Tool for Pipeline Scheduling
A. García-Sánchez, J. Guillén-García, M. Ortega-Mier

Coupled Transient Heat Conduction and Contact Stress Analysis of Mechanical Seal
H. Kawashima

The Analysis of a Thin Plate on Action External Loading by Garlekin´s Method, Realized in a Mathematical Complex
A. Loktev, I. Lokteva

16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:00
Adaptive Simulations for Flow Problems ThE1
Room: 2 Conference Room - Building C2
Chair: Antonio Huerta
Adaptive FIC/FEM Formulation for Advective Transport and Incompressible Fluid Flow Problems - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. E. Oñate
E. Oñate, S. Idelsohn, F. Zárate, R. Flores

Aspects of the Discrete Adjoint Equation Approach and Boundary Treatment Suitable for General Purpose Flow Solvers
G.F. Duivesteijn, H. Bijl, B. Koren, E.H. van Brummelen

A Combined Variational & Multi-grid Approach for Fluid Simulation
D. Ophir, A. Yahalom, G. Pinhasi, M. Kopylenko

The Constraint-Free Chimera Method using a Gridless approach
S. Peron, C. Benoit, G. Jeanfaivre

IS-Modeling in Electromagnetics
Invited Session organized by Tom Dhaene
Room: 3 Room 001 - Building C1
Chair: Tom Dhaene
CoChair: Petrie Meyer
Sequential Sampling and Modeling Techniques in Electromagnetics - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. T. Dhaene
T. Dhaene

Multivariate Models of Inter-Resonator Couplings for Fast Microwave Filter Synthesis
A. Lamecki, L. Balewski, M. Mrozowski

On the Use of Adaptive Rational Interpolation for the Calculation of Resonator Characteristics from MOM Analysis
M. Schoeman, P. Meyer

Friday, September 9th

09:00 - 10:00
Plenary Session I
Room: 1 Main Room - Building C2
Chair: Antonio Huerta
Strict Upper and Lower Bounds of Outputs of Interest for Linear and Nonlinear Structural Problems
P. Ladevèze, L. Chamoin, É. Florentin

10:00 - 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
Computational Strategies FM1
Room: 2 Conference Room - Building C2
Chair: Ernst Rank
A Framework for the Coupling of Simulations
R. Niekamp, H.G. Matthies

A Simple and Effective Procedure for hp-adaptive Refinement
J.E. Tarancón, F.J. Fuenmayor, J.J. Ródenas, A. Vercher, L. Baeza

Reduction of Cell Count in Unstructured Hexahedral Mesh Generation on Complex Geometries using Distance Maps
U. Baran, Ch. Hirsch

Organizing a p-Version Finite Element Computation by an Octree-Based Hierarchy
A. Niggl, E. Rank, R.-P Mundani, H.-J Bungartz

Similarity Classes Generated by the Four-Triangles Longest-Edge (4T-LE) Partition
A. Plaza, J.P. Suárez, G.F. Carey

Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Airlift Reactor
Z. Korotkaya, H. Haario

IS- A Posteriori Error Control in Finite Element Procedures
Invited Session organized by Luca Formaggia
Room: 3 Room 001 - Building C1
Chair: Luca Formaggia
Error Control in Finite Element Approximations of Nonlinear Problems in Mechanics - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. S. Prudhomme
D. Fuentes, D. Littlefield, J.T. Oden, S. Prudhomme

A Posteriori Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Linear First-Order PDEs
A. Stephansen, A. Ern

Two New Recovery-based Estimators using Roughened-Enriched Solutions
G. Maisano, S. Micheletti, S. Perotto, C.L. Bottasso

A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Procedures for Interior Penalty Stabilized Continuous Finite Element Methods
E. Burman, P. Causin

Computable Error Bounds for Linear-Functional Outputs of Discontinuous Garlekin Discretizations for Parabolic Problems
N. Parés, P. Díez, A. Huerta

Minisymposium "Functional a Posteriori Error Estimates" organized by Prof. P. Neittaanmaki and Prof. S. Repin FM3
Room: 1 Main Room - Building C2
Chair: Pekka Neittaanmäki
CoChair: Sergey Repin
Guaranteed Error Bounds for Conforming Approximations of Elliptic and Parabolic Problems
S. Repin

Functional a Posteriori Error Estimation for Imcompressible Fluid Flows
E. Gorshkova , P. Neittaanmaki, S. Repin

A Posteriori Error Estimation in Terms of Goal-oriented Quantities for Linear Elliptic Problems
P. Neittaanmaki, T. Rossi, P. Turchyn

A Posteriori Control of Modeling Errors in Dimension Reduction Models
A. Smolianski, S. Sauter, S. Repin

12:30 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 16:00
Error Assessment and Adaptivity for Solid Mechanics FA1
Room: 2 Conference Room - Building C2
Chair: Kenneth Runesson
Evaluation of Enhanced SPR and REP Error Estimators for Metal Forming Simulations: Application to 3D Adaptive Remeshing - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. L. Fourment
L. Fourment, R. Boussetta

Verification of Finite Element Linear Stochastic Model Using Constitutive Relation Errors
E. Florentin, P. Ladevèze

Moving Mesh Domain Adaptation Technique – Application to Train induced Wave Propagation
P. Kettil, H. Lane, N-E. Wiberg

Adaptive Finite Elements for Parameter Identification: Application to Viscoelasticity
H. Johansson, F. Larsson, K. Runesson

Adaptive Finite Element Analysis in Computational Mechanics with Guaranteed Convergence
C. Carstensen, A. Orlando

Numerical Modeling FA2
Room: 3 Room 001 - Building C1
Chair: Núria Parés Mariné
Subdomain-Based Flux-Free a Posteriori Error Estimators for the Element Free Galerkin Method
Y. Vidal, A. Huerta, P. Díez

Numerical Tools for a Posteriori Detection and Assesment of the Improper Solution Limit, Locking and Boundary Layers in Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures
G. Zboinski

Two-Dimensional Simulation with Finite Element of Test Tubes by Means of Fractal Automatic Remeshing
R. Magaña, A. Hermosillo, M. Pérez, I. Cortés

A Comparison of Mapping Algorithms in Hierarchical Nonlinear Adaptive FEM
A. Bucher, A. Meyer, U.J. Goerke, R. Kreissig

The PCI: A Scattered Data Interpolant For the Solution of Partial Differential Equations
H. Goldani Moghaddam, W. Enright

16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:00
IS-Multimodels Coupling in Hydrodynamics
Invited Session organized by Fausto Saleri, Edie Miglio
Room: 2 Conference Room - Building C2
Chair: Fausto Saleri
CoChair: Edie Miglio
Coupling of 2D and 1D Shallow Water Models by means of Control Theory - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. E. Miglio and F. Saleri
V.I. Agoshkov, E. Miglio, F. Saleri

Variational Approach for the Hydrodynamical Multidimensional Modelling
M. Amara, D. Capatina-Papaghiuc, D. Trujillo

IS-Equilibrated Solutions in Adaptive Modelling
Invited Session organized by Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida
Room: 3 Room 001 - Building C1
Chair: Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida
Dual Error Estimation for Steady-State Acoustic Problems - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. J. Moitinho de Almeida
J. Moitinho de Almeida, P. Bouillard

Dual Adaptive Finite Element Refinement for Multiple Local Quantities in Linear Elasticity
O. Almeida Pereira, J. Moitinho de Almeida

A Tetrahedral Equilibrium Finite Element for Dual Analysis in Three-Dimensional Elastoplasticity
M. Kempeneers, P. Beckers

Boundary Conditions and Sub-Modelling with p-type Hybrid Equilibrium Plate Elements
A. Ramsay, E. Maunder

Saturday, September 10th

09:00 - 11:00
IS-Multiphysics and Adaptive Methods for Geological Flow Simulations
Invited Session organized by Fausto Saleri, Edie Miglio
Room: 1 Main Room - Building C2
Chair: Fausto Saleri
CoChair: Edie Miglio
Numerical Modelling of Salt Diapirism: Methods, Results and Perspectives - KEYNOTE LECTURE by Prof. A. Ismail-Zadeh
A. Ismail-Zadeh

A Variational Damage Theory of Distributed Recursive Faulting
A. Pandolfi, M. Ortiz

Multiphysics Methods in Basin Modeling
P. Massimi, F. Saleri, G. Scrofani

Multiphase Geophysical Modeling of Detachment Process using Level Sets
S. Zlotnik, P. Díez, M. Fernández, J. Vergés

Mechanism for Salt-Dome Rise through a Brittle Sedimentary Cover
B. Vendeville

Mesh Adaptivity SM2
Room: 2 Conference Room - Building C2
Chair: Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida
Hierarquical Properties in Elements obtained by Subdivision: A Hierarquical h-adaptivity Program
J.J. Ródenas, J.E. Tarancón, J. Albelda, A. Roda, F.J. Fuenmayor

An Explicit Moving Mesh Method with Mesh Dynamics based on a Compressible Fluid Model
E. Knobbe, D. Roekaerts

Automatic Generation of High-Quality Unstructured Hexahedral Meshes for High Reynolds Number Computations
K. Kovalev, Ch. Hirsch

High-Order h-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Ocean Modeling
P.E. Bernard, N. Chevaugeon, V. Legat, E. Deleersnijder, J.F. Remacle

Three-Dimensional Material State Remapping in Computational Solid Mechanics
M. Rashid , T. Dinar

11:00 - 12:00
Plenary Session II
Room: 1 Main Room - Building C2
Chair: Pedro Díez
From Adaptivity to Computational Steering: The Long Way of Integrating Numerical Simulation into Engineering Design Processes
E. Rank, A. Borrmann, A. Düster, A. Niggl, V. Nübel, R. Romberg, D. Scholz, Ch. van Treeck, P. Wenisch

12:00 - 13:00
Closing Ceremony and Presentation of the ECCOMAS PhD awardee to the best thesis in 2004:
"Finite element modelling of fluid flow with moving free surfaces and
interfaces including fluid-solid interaction"
by Wulf Dettmer UWS, UK