9/9/2005 10:30 - 12:30
Minisymposium "Functional a Posteriori Error Estimates" organized by Prof. P. Neittaanmaki and Prof. S. Repin
Room: 1 Main Room - Building C2
Chair: Pekka Neittaanmäki
CoChair: Sergey Repin
Guaranteed Error Bounds for Conforming Approximations of Elliptic and Parabolic Problems
S. Repin
Functional a Posteriori Error Estimation for Imcompressible Fluid Flows
E. Gorshkova , P. Neittaanmaki, S. Repin
A Posteriori Error Estimation in Terms of Goal-oriented Quantities for Linear Elliptic Problems
P. Neittaanmaki, T. Rossi, P. Turchyn
A Posteriori Control of Modeling Errors in Dimension Reduction Models
A. Smolianski, S. Sauter, S. Repin