9/9/2005 10:30 - 12:30
Computational Strategies
Room: 2 Conference Room - Building C2
Chair: Ernst Rank
A Framework for the Coupling of Simulations
R. Niekamp, H.G. Matthies
A Simple and Effective Procedure for hp-adaptive Refinement
J.E. Tarancón, F.J. Fuenmayor, J.J. Ródenas, A. Vercher, L. Baeza
Reduction of Cell Count in Unstructured Hexahedral Mesh Generation on Complex Geometries using Distance Maps
U. Baran, Ch. Hirsch
Organizing a p-Version Finite Element Computation by an Octree-Based Hierarchy
A. Niggl, E. Rank, R.-P Mundani, H.-J Bungartz
Similarity Classes Generated by the Four-Triangles Longest-Edge (4T-LE) Partition
A. Plaza, J.P. Suárez, G.F. Carey
Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Airlift Reactor
Z. Korotkaya, H. Haario