CS - Form-finding and Optimization IV | WeE7 Room: Cristal Chair: Qingpeng Li | Beyond typology, beyond optimization K Saldana Ochoa, OP Ohlbrock, P D‘Acunto and V Moosavi Abstract | Rule-based topology finding of patterns towards multi-objective structural design R. Oval, R. Mesnil, M. Rippmann, T. Van Mele, P. Block and O. Baverel Abstract | Deep-Q network for truss topology optimization with stress constraints Kazuki Hayashi and Makoto Ohsaki Abstract | Solving Large-Scale Truss Layout Optimization Via Semidefinite Programming A. G. Weldeyesus , J. Gondzio, L. He, M. Gilbert, P. Shepherd and A. Tyas Abstract | Topology Optimization in Architectural Spaces: From Logical to Rational Design Domains S. Al-Azri, I. Paoletti and J. Noulin Abstract | Machine Hallucinations M del Campo, S Manninger, A Carlson, M Sanche and L Wang Abstract |