7/4/2017 11:20 - 13:40 Recent developments in matrix assembly and iterative solution techniques for finite element and isogeometric analysis II Invited Session organized by Matthias Möller and Bernd Simeon |
FrA5O Sala: VII Chair: Matthias Möller |
Isogeometric Analysis of the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard equations with application to incompressible two-phase flows
Isogeometric Analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations on Multipatch Geometries
High-Order Isogeometric Methods for Compressible Flows. Part 1: Theoretical Foundations and Early Applications
Scalable High-Order Finite Element Discretizations and Solvers
Enabling Scalable Multiphysics Simulations through Block Preconditioning
Towards scalable and efficient implicit finite element simulations for plasma physics applications on HPC platforms