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Number of visits: 141331

International Advisory Committee

    Michihiko Abe
    Past Vice-president of JCI
    Kogakuin University, Japan

    Mark Alexander
    President of RILEM
    University of Cape Town, South Africa

    Miguel Ángel Astiz
    Past President Ache
    UPM, Spain

    Angélica Ayala
    Alconpat, Paraguay

    György L. Balázs,
    Past President of fib
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

    Nemkumar Banthia
    The University of British Columbia, Canada

    Francisco Javier Martín Carrasco
    ETS Ingenieros de Caminos, Spain

    Ta-Peng Chang
    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

    Lan Chung
    President of KCI

    Gordon Clark
    Immediate Past President of fib

    Ramboll, United Kingdom

    Carlos Conde
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

    Hugo Corres Peireti
    Vice-President of fib
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

    Anne Ellis
    Past President ACI

    Michael Fardis
    Past President of fib
    University of Patras,Greece

    Jose Manuel Gálligo
    CEDEX, Spain

    Hans Rudolf Ganz,
    Past President of fib
    VSL Switzerland, Switzerland

    Paulo Helene
    President of Honor
    Alconpat, Brazil

    Jose Emilio Herrero
    Vice President of Ache
    Ferrovial, Spain

    Doug Hooton
    University of Toronto, Canada

    Kenneth C. Hover,
    Past President of ACI
    Cornell University, USA

    Jorge Ley
    Vice President of Ache
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

    Zongjin Li
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

    Emilio Lora Tamayo d’Ocon
    CSIC, Spain

    Koichi Maekawa
    The University of Tokyo, Japan

    Giuseppe Mancini,
    Past President of fib

    Politecnico di Torino, Italy

    Hirozo Mihashi
    President of JCI
    Tohoku Institute of Technology, Japan

    Toyoaki Miyagawa
    Vice-President of JCI
    Kyoto University, Japan

    Harald Müller
    President of fib
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

    Peter Richner
    Past-President of RILEM

    Jose Romo,
    President of Ache
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

    William Rushing
    President of ACI
    Waldemar S Nelson & Co Inc, USA

    Johan Silfwerbrand
    President of Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute
    CBI Betonginstitutet, Sweden

    Michael J. Schneider
    Vice-President of ACI
    Baker Concrete Construction Co.

    Jongsung Sim
    Hanyang University, Korea

    Shamim Sheikh,
    University of Toronto, Canada

    Tamon Ueda
    Immediate Past President of ACF
    Hokkaido University, Japan

    Taketo Uomoto,
    Past President of JCI
    Public Works Research Institute, Japan

    Carmen Vela
    Secretaría de Estado de Investigación
    Desarrollo e Innovación, Ministerio de Industria, Spain

    Johan Vyncke
    Vive-President of RILEM
    Belgian Building Research institute

    Joost Walraven
    Past President of fib
    Delft University of Technology, The Netherland

    James K. Wight
    Past President of ACI
    University of Michigan, USA

    Manabu Yoshimura
    Vice-President of JCI
    Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

    Yamei Zhang
    Southeast University, China

    Aniceto Zaragoza
    Oficemen, Spain

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
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