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  Social Programme

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Conference Social Programme

As stated in the official programme, the Conference Social Programme includes the Welcome Concert and the Conference Banquet.

The Welcome Concert, offered by the Chorus of the Technical University of Madrid will be held on Monday 13 June 2016, at 19.30 in the Conference Hall of the Venue (Civil Engineering School of the Technical University of Madrid). The Concert will be followed by a Spanish Snack and Wine reception.

The Conference Banquet will be held in the evening of Tuesday 14 June 2016, at 20.30 in “El Jardín de Somontes” Restaurant.

A bus service to the restaurant will be organized, with departure at 20:15 from the main door of the Civil Engineering School of the Technical University of Madrid after the group photo.

Although participation in these events is included in the registration fees, confirmation is required by writing to conference secretariat no later than Monday, June 6th, if you have not done it before in your personal records.

If you wish to get extra social programme tickets for accompanying persons, we kindly ask you to place your order by writing to the conference secretariat no later than Monday, June 6th. 

The cost of social program for accompanying persons is 90€.

In addition, various cultural visits to Madrid and the surrounding cities for the accompanying persons are proposed. People interested in these visits, should contact directly with the following agencies:


Please note that the cultural visits are organized by the above agencies and therefore the cost is not included in the social program for accompanying persons.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
iccs16@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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