  Plenary Lectures
  Submission of Contributions
  Registration Fees
  Important Dates
  Location & Accommodation
      Welcome to Madrid!
      Congress Venue
  Book of Abstracts
  The Programme
  Schedule Overview
  Technical Programme
  Social Programme

Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor


Number of visits: 137593


Here is a list of suggested hotels located in the surroundings of the Conference venue.

They offer special rates to the ICCS16 participants (a link for booking or the reference code is indicated below ).

Participants are invited to contact hotels directly to make reservations.

Noting that June is tourist high season in Madrid, we warmly suggest planning your trip and booking your room a.s.a.p.

Hotel location map is available here

NH Madrid Argüelles***
Vallehermoso, 65
Chamberí, Madrid, Spain
Tel. + 34 915 93 97 77
Approx. 30 minutes from the venue

Double Single Use:88.50€
Double room: 99.50€
NH Madrid Alberto Aguilera***
Alberto Aguilera, 18
Madrid, Spain
Tel. +34 914 46 09 00
Approx. 35 minutes from the venue

Double Single Use: 93€
Double room: 104€

NH Madrid Alonso Martínez***
Santa Engracia, 5
Madrid, Spain
Tel. +34 91 398 46 39
Approx. 45 minutes from the venue

Double Single Use: 112.75€
Double room: 123.75€

Hotel Exe Moncloa****
Arcipreste de Hita, 10,
Chamberí, Madrid, Spain
Tel. +34 917 45 92 99
Approx. 25 minutes from the venue

Double Single Use: 89€
Double Room: 99€

Reservation Code: Grupo ETSIAE
Sercotel Gran Hotel Conde Duque****
Plaza Conde Valle de Suchil, 5
Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 917 45 92 99
Approx. 40 minutes from the venue
Double Single Use: 99€
Double room: 110€

Reservation Code: Congresos UPM
Meliá Madrid Princesa *****
Princesa, 27, Moncloa - Aravaca
Madrid, Spain
Tel.+34 902 14 44 40
Approx. 35 minutes from the venue
Website rates
No reservation code

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
iccs16@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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