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Number of visits: 65495

Social Program

The ice-break party, the mid-conference field trip and the conference dinner are included in the registration fees for all the participants and accompanying members. You have to confirm your attendance. Go to Registration and Accommodation, select Registered People. Once you login in the Registered People area, go to “Complete the registration”, and select the events that you plan to attend.

Sunday, 18th, 19:00h. CONFERENCE ICEBREAKER
Meeting point: We will depart from the AIG-9 hotel at 18:35 (Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel), and walk to the Roman Amphitheatre.

Inside the Roman Amphitheatre, wrapped in a unique atmosphere and with exceptional sea views we will come into contact all together for the first time.

Meeting point: We will depart from the AIG-9 hotel (Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel), and walk to the Roman Amphitheatre.

The conference ice-breaker is included in the registration fees for all participants.

Thursday, 22nd, 21:00h. CONFERENCE DINNER
Meeting point: We will depart from the AIG-9 hotel at 20:30 (Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel), and walk to the Roman Circus.

The conference dinner will take place in the Roman Circus. Almost in the end of our journey together we will have the opportunity to enjoy once more of the mysterious atmosphere that surrounded roman people 2000 years ago.

The conference dinner is included in the registration fees for all participants.

Wednesday, 21st, 9:00h.MID-CONFERENCE FIELDTRIP

The mid-conference field trip will take us to the central part of Catalonia. We will start travelling to Cardona, a Medieval town. Near the town there is an extensive deposit of salt (halite and sylvite) that corresponds to Tertiary evaporitic sediments. The salt is outcropping by diapirism and forms a mountain mass called “Muntanya de Sal”. The halite has been extracted from a salt quarry since Roman times and at the beginning of the XXth century the K underground mining started in the region due to the presence of K salts (carnallite and sylvite).

We will visit a Medieval Castle, the Cardona diapir and an old K-mine. We will have lunch in Sallent village, which owns the largest K mine tailings in the area. The buses will depart from the AIG-9 hotel (Hotel Ciutat de Tarragona) at 8:00h. The cost of the field trip is included in the registration fees for all the participants.


The following trips and tours are included in the conference registration fees for all the participants and accompanying members but must be booked before arrival so that appropriate arrangements can be made. You have to confirm your attendance. Go to Registration and Accommodation, select Registered People. Once you login in the Registered People area, go to “Complete the registration”, and select the events that you plan to attend.

Sunday, 18th, 10-11:30h: Walking tour to downtown Barcelona (Gothic Quartier, Cathedral, Born Quartier)

For those who arrive early or the previous day to Barcelona, a walking tour to the Gothic Quartier and the Born Quartier is scheduled on Sunday morning.

Meeting point: “Plaça Catalunya” Square.

Sunday 18th, 12:00h:
Human Castles in Tarragona.

For those who are already in Tarragona on Sunday morning,
you have the opportunity to see the Human Castles.

The Plaça de la Font square is where on the first Sunday
of the festival the human castle day is held,
with two of the best colles castelleres (human castle groups)
of the moment and the two colles of the city
that best results obtained the year before.
This day has enabled the Tarragona’s feast day to recover the most difficult human towers.

Meeting point: The tour will depart from the AIG-9 hotel
(Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel).

Tuesday, 20th, 18:15h:

Meeting point: The tour will depart at 18:15 from the AIG-9 hotel (Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel).

The tour will be organized and guided by the Tourist Board of Tarragona and it includes the visit of: a scale model of the Roman Tarraco, the Roman Walls (Archaeological Promenade), the Cathedral from the outside, the Roman ProvincialForum, the Praetorium, the Roman Circus, and the Roman Amphitheatre.

Friday, 23rd, 13:00h:

Meeting point: The tour will depart at 12:30 from the AIG-9 hotel (Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel).

On the 23rd of September, Festivity of Santa Tecla, the city’s four colles castelleres (human castle groups) build their best constructions at the “Plaça de la Font” Square which is full of spectators.

Meeting point: The tour will depart from the AIG-9 hotel
(Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel).

Saturday, 24th, 13:00: WALKING HUMAN TOWERS

Meeting point: The tour will depart at 12:30 from the AIG-9 hotel (Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel)

For those spending the weekend in Tarragona. The 24th of September, Festivity of “La Mercè”, the four local colles are once more the protagonists on a special festive day. At the “Plaça de les Cols” square the groups face their last special round on one of the most exciting human castle’s day. At the base of the cathedral's stairs the castle groups have to lift a pillar of four and walk it 500 meters to the balcony of the Town Hall building, at the “Plaça de la Font” Square.

Meeting point: The tour will depart from the AIG-9 hotel (Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel).


These activities are planned only for accompanying members and are included in the cost of the registration. You have to confirm your attendance. Please, note that accompanying members should also fill the registration form (Organization, Department, Address, Cell phone, Fax and URL Fields are not required). Go to Registration and Accommodation, select Registered People. Once you login in the Registered People area, go to “Complete the registration”, and select the events that you plan to attend.

Monday, 19th. For the first day a Walking Tour in Tarragona, (Mediaeval or Modernisme Tour), is planned, together with a guided visit inside the Cathedral that is being refurbished. Lunch will take place in the beautiful restaurant "La Nau" located in the Old Town.

Tuesday, 20th. A guided trip to a Cistercian Monasteries (either Santes Creus or Poblet) and a visit to a cellar (this will depend, as September is a grape harvest period, and maybe it’s not available) .

The buses will start the trip at the Hotel Ciutat de Tarragona

Wednesday, 21st. Mid-conference field trip (see details above)

Thursday, 22nd. A guided trip to Barcelona is planned. We will center the visit in the Modernisme Tour, visiting the Gaudi Sagrada Familia Church, and the Parc Güell or Palau de la Música. Lunch is included.

The buses will start the trip at the Hotel Ciutat de Tarragona

Friday, 23rd. Free day. Optional activity Human Castles (see above).

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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