Scientific Program
To download the program please click here.
AIG-9 will be held next September 19th to 23rd in the city of Tarragona. All the activities related to the scientific program will be conducted at the Ciutat de Tarragona Hotel (****), located right in the heart of Tarragona at the main square of Imperial Tarraco which is the main axis of this beautiful city with all routes meeting here. This hotel is within easy walking distance of restaurants, shops and banks. It is equipped with free wifi everywhere in the hotel, and other conference facilities including a meeting room for 200 people with natural light and soundproofing, a poster's room, an accreditation area, a wide hall for coffee break and all the necessary facilities to ensure you enjoy professionally and personally this conference!
The aim of the Applied Isotope Geochemistry conference series is to examine how isotopes can be used to help understand a wide variety of problems. Applied Isotope Geochemistry promotes a multi-disciplinary and multi-isotope approach to geological, environmental and biogeochemical questions.
The topics that will be studied during the conference are the following:
• Advances in isotope techniques and instrumentation
Metal and metalloid isotopes
Mass Independent Fractionation
Multi-tracer approaches
Novel mass spectrometry techniques
• Isotope signals of climate change
Monitoring of CO2 sequestration using isotopes
Isotope archives of global change and past pollution
Isotope constraints on greenhouse-gas budgets
Evolution of the early Earth's atmosphere and environment
Climate research and paleoclimate reconstruction
• Isotopes in environmental and forensic studies
Contaminant tracing and remediation
Monitoring natural or induced remediation of polluted sites
Fingerprinting techniques to identify the source of water, air and soil pollution
Acid mine drainage
Organic pollutants
• Using isotopes to unravel biogeochemical cycles
Biological systems and ecosystem studies
Isotope Biomarkers
Marine Isotope Geochemistry
Field experiments using isotopes to understand nutrient and metal cycles
Isotopes studies in biosphere-atmosphere-Earth system
• Isotope Hydrology
Tracing groundwater origin, flow, and inter-aquifer mixing
Watershed studies
Isotope tracers for hydrogeochemical processes
Dating water bodies
Transboundary aquifers
• Isotope Geology
Isotope studies for understanding and exploring ore deposit
Isotope geothermometry
High-temperature water/rock interaction
Isotope changes related to diagenesis
Isotopes applied to petroleum studies
• Isotopes in biological applications
The detailed scientific program schedule will be provided once conference themes, session conveners and plenary speakers have been confirmed

Download pdf
All the sessions will be Plenary Sessions; so, no concurrent sessions will take place.
The organizing secretariat will be opened as follows:
Sunday 18th From 16:00h to 18:30h
Monday 19th, Tuesday 20th From 8:00h to 14:00h and from 15:30h to 17:00h
Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd From 9:00h to 11:00h
The following keynote speakers have been confirmed:
Dr. Bodo Hattendorf, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Dra. Christina de la Rocha, Marine Environmental Sciences Laboratory (LEMAR) of the European Institute for Marine Research (IUEM) at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.
Dr. Bernhard Mayer, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Calgary, Canada.
Dr. Luke Skinner, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK.
Dr. Martin Elsner, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany.
Dr. Tom Walczyk, Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore.
Dr. Avner Vengosh, Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University, USA
As with previous AIG meetings, contributions are sought for a special volume of Applied Geochemistry. More details on the official conference publication will be available soon.
AIG9 will consist on four days of scientific presentations, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and a mid-conference field trip (Wednesday). The information provided below is preliminary and may change subject to the number of abstracts submitted for presentation. A detailed timetable of the daily conference program will be provided once conference themes, session conveners and plenary speakers have been confirmed.
All the sessions will be Plenary Sessions; so, no concurrent sessions will take place.
There will be seven Guest Lectures, providing a synthesizing view of a specific area of isotope research. Each Guest Lecture will be 30 minutes in length, plus 5 minutes for discussion.
Every Guest Lecture will be preceded by participants’ oral presentations of the same specific area of isotope research. The communications will be delivered to the entire group, without concurrent sessions. Oral presentations are limited to 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions.
Computer and projection facilities will be available at the meeting room. A sound system with microphone will be provided in the lecture room. We recommend that speakers bring a copy of their presentation on a CD or USB-memory stick, and backups of their presentations. Note that Zip drives will not be available.
Make sure you save the fonts you have used in your presentation. In order to do so, click "Save as", then under the upper task bar, choose "Tools" and "Save options". Activate the "Incorporate True Type fonts" checkbox, and choose "Incorporate fonts used only".
Presenters are advised that only PDF and Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010) presentations will be supported. Other presentation software will not be available. We recommend testing the presentations on a Windows based computer in advance, to that end a computer will be available in a separate room for testing the presentations.
Presenters must ensure that their presentation is downloaded onto the master laptop computer the day before their session. A computer will be available in a designated speaker-ready room for presenter to download their presentation, every day from 7:30 AM until 5:00 PM. Presenters who wish to load their presentation on the day of their session should arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time for the session. Presenters will not be permitted to load their presentation after a session has started, nor will they be allowed to use another laptop computer for their presentation.
Conference participants may indicate their preference for an oral or poster presentation on their Registration Form. However, the Scientific Committee will make the final decision and presenters will be notified by May, 15th 2011.
All the presentations for the following day should be copied the previous day on the PC (OS Windows) located at the reception (First Floor). In case this is not possible, the presentation must be uploaded at least an hour before the beginning of the session. The schedule for the upload of the presentation is as follows:
Sunday 18th From 16:00h to 18:30h
Monday 19th From 8:00h to 8:45h and from 16:35h to 18:30h
Tuesday 20th From 16:35h to 18:30h
Wednesday 21st Closed
Thursday 22nd From 16:35h to 18:30h
Download Oral Sessions
Posters should be made in a vertical format, with a width not exceeding 90 cm and a height not exceeding 120 cm. Electricity, wired internet connections and furniture will not be available for poster displays.
Posters will be on display throughout the duration of the conference and therefore must be set up on Sunday night or before 8:00 am on Monday. Dedicated time slots will be allotted for poster presentations in order to promote interaction and dynamic exchange among research scientists, professors, students and industry representatives. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks will be designed to encourage conference participants to view poster information.
The posters will be posted by the participants on the room Forum I (First Floor). Posters will be on display during the whole week. Dedicated time slots for posters are scheduled; the posters sessions will take place on Monday 19th, Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd during the afternoon session, from 16:35 to 18:00 with beer, wine and soft drinks refreshment. On Friday the poster session is schedules during the morning coffee break, from 10:35 to 11:35.
Participants are encouraged to put the posters on display either Sunday 18th afternoon, from 16:00 h to 18:30h, or on Monday 19th morning, from 8:00 to 11:00.
The IAGC Faure Award is given at each IAGC-sponsored conference, for the best student presentation. A student presentation is defined as one with a student as senior author that is presented at the meeting by the student. The award consists of a certificate, a cash prize of 250 $ (US), and the recipient is cited in the IAGC Newsletter and website.