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Social Events

The social events of ADMOS 2019 coincide with the Welcome Reception and the visit to the city of Elche with the Conference Banquet.

Welcome Reception

The Welcome Reception will take place in the evening of Monday, May 27, at 20:00, after the second Plenary Lecture, at the conference venue.

Visit to the city of Elche and Conference Banquet

We have planned a visit to the city of Elche, not far from Alicante, on Tuesday 28.

Buses will depart at 17.45 from the conference venue.

The conference banquet will be held at Hotel Jardin de Milenio (Hotel Port Jardín Milenio: Carrer de Curtidores, 17, 03203 Elche) after a sightseeing tour in Elche.

With a history of over 2.000 years, Elche also offers a wide cultural offer, as it keeps vestiges of numerous civilizations that have passed through the city over the centuries. Through its many monumental buildings and museums, lovers of culture and history will enjoy the various transformations undergone by the city in its time travel.

From the passage of the Arabs through the city, Elche retains one of its most beautiful treasures: the Palm Grove. With more than 200.000 palm trees and declared a World Heritage in 2.000, the Palm Grove of Elche is the largest in Europe and has become the unmistakable symbol of the city. Thanks to it, Elche offers truly unique and beautiful landscapes that surround the city in a tropical atmosphere.

However, the Palm Grove is not its only World Heritage declared by UNESCO. Besides it, Elche boasts two other World Heritages: the Misteri d’Elx, a wonderful religious representation dating back to medieval times, and the Centre for Traditional Culture School Museum of Pusol, a unique museum that takes us on a journey through time to the Elche of late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This makes Elche a single city, for there is no other Spanish city that boasts three properties inscribed on the categories of World Heritage of UNESCO.

Accompanying persons interested can join these events by paying a fee of 120€ for both social events. Please contact the secretariat to purchase your ticket.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
admos@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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