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Number of visits: 108555

Poster Session ProTechTion: Industrial decision-making on complex Production Technologies supported by simulaTion-based engineering

Simulation-based engineering (SBE) has revolutionized the industrial sector. Computer simulations are critical for control of manufacturing processes, non-destructive-testing and decision-making at production phases, and shorten the lead-time of design and development processes, thus reducing both costs and time-to-market. The overarching objective of ProTechTion is to harness the full potential of multi-disciplinary SBE technology in industrial environments concerned with complex production processes. ProTechTion will form a multi-disciplinary research and education network that unites relevant disciplines and stakeholders to (i) develop new computational paradigms, (ii) train a generation of ESRs in state-of-the-art SBE technologies and cross-disciplinary skills, and (iii) bridge the knowledge transfer gap in multi-disciplinary SBE. ProTechTion implementation is based on 15 projects, all linked to a EU company.

ProTechTion has received funding from the European Union's research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 within the framework of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions ITN-EJD under grant agreement No 764636.

Advanced simulation for actuation control of smart microfluidic valves
A. Aissa Berraies, F. Auricchio, E.H. van Brummelen, F. Butera

A Prope Generalized Decomposition (PGD) approach with inertia relief for the solution of unconstrained parametric static problems
F. Cavaliere, S. Zlotnik, R. Sevilla, X. Larrayóz and P. Díez

A simple model of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of earthfill dams to support decision making regarding tailings dams’ safety.
Christina Nasika, Sergio Zlotnik and Pedro Diez

Compact High-Order Accurate Scheme for Unstructured Grids and Turbulent Incompressible Multi-Fluid Flows

Computational modeling of complex swelling process of foams
Abhiroop Satheesh, Christoph Meier and Wolfgang A. Wall

Decohesion and Sliding between Contacting Yarns in 3D Woven Composite based on Implicit Geometries
Anqi Li, Badadjida Wintiba Joris J.C. Remmers, Marc G.D. Geers and Thierry J. Massart

Design and Manufacturing of 3D-Printed Structural Components
Varun Murugan, Stefania Marconi, Gianluca Alaimo and Ferdinando Auricchio

Identification of heterogeneous material response through data-driven computational mechanics
Gabriel Valdés-Alonzo, Adrien Leygue, Christophe Binetruy, Mathias Hartmann

Modeling and Simulation of Fluid-Solid Interaction in Inkjet Printing Technologies
Maged Shaban, Clemens Verhoosel, Herman Wijshoff, Ferdinando Auricchio, Alessandro Reali and Harald van Brummelen

Solid-fluid mixture models for high particulate volume fractions
M.Sc. Alessandro Acri, Dr. Martin Kronbichler, Dr. Alberto Garcia, Prof. Dr. Pedro Diez and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall

Thermo-Mechanical Structural Modeling of GFRP Profiles Subjected to Fire
Bruno A. Tessaro, Carlos Tiago, Joao R. Correia and Laurent Stainier

Towards a new computational tool for multi-material dynamics
T.B.J. Di Giusto, A.J. Gil, C.H. Lee, A. Huerta, M. Giacomini and J. Bonet

Towards a new dynamic fragmentation solver in Engineering
P.R. Refachinho de Campos, A.J. Gil, C.H. Lee, A. Huerta, M. Giacomini and J. Bonet

Towards robust and high-fidelity paper sheet modelling
N. Dave, R.H.J. Peerlings, P. Samantray, T.J. Massart and M.G.D. Geers

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
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