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  Number of visits: 12182



The NSCM is organized annually by the Nordic Association for Computational Mechanics (NoACM, http://noacm.no/), which represents the interest for the Nordic and Baltic countries in the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). The first event was held at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1988.


The overall mission for these events is to be a meeting place for researchers developing computational methods and scientists and engineers focusing on challenging applications in broad aspects of mechanics. In particular, presentations by graduate students are welcomed. Thus, making a friendly and creative atmosphere for the participants is considered important.

General information

The seminars are organized annually by the Nordic Association of Computational Mechanics and cover all fields of computational mechanics. The seminars, which circulate between the Nordic and Baltic countries, offer a meeting place for academics and practitioners from the participating countries, as well as from other countries. The atmosphere has been friendly and creative. Contributions from graduate students are particularly welcome. The official language of the seminar is English. This year's seminar is already the 34th in the series. It is arranged for the first time in online mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic.