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Number of visits: 167568

Sunday, September 5th

18:00 - 20:00

Monday, September 6th

09:30 - 10:00
Opening Ceremony
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
10:00 - 11:20
Keynote Lecture and General Report
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Robert Charlier
Design of Stiffened Slabs-on-grade on Shrink-swell Soils
J-L. Briaud, R. Abdelmalak, X. Zhang

Constitutive Modelling of Unsaturated Soils: Discussion of Fundamental Principles
D. Sheng

11:20 - 11:50

11:50 - 13:00
Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Embankments (D4) MoM01
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Tom Schanz
Influences of Spatially Varying Porosity on Unsaturated Flow through Earth Structures
T.M. Le, D. Gallipoli, S.J. Wheeler, M. Sanchez

Numerical Analysis of the Behaviour of Embankments Constructed with Expansive Soils
J.I. Ortega, A. Lloret, S. Olivella, E. Romero

Improvement and Controlling Deformation of the Expansive Soil Ground
L. C Miao, F. Wang, Y. Cui

Banking Simulation with a Constitutive Model for Unsaturated Soil
M. Tanaka, K. Kawai, S. Kanazawa, A. Iizuka, S. Tachibana, S. Ohno, T. Takeyama

Suction Changes during the Construction of an Embankment from A10 Motorway in Portugal
R. Cardoso, E. Maranha das Neves, P. Almeida Santos

Investigation of the Water Flow in an Embankment Built of Organic Soil: Experimental Results and Large Scale Field Test
E. Birle, M. Boso, D. Heyer

Failure of Peat Dykes by Drought
D. Nterekas, J. P Oostveen, F.A. Mathijssen, R.B. Brinkgreve, M.A. Hicks, F. Molenkamp

Modelling: Fundamentals and Constitutive Modelling (C1) MoM02
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Bernardo Caicedo
On the Time-Dependent Behaviour of Unsaturated Geomaterials
J. M Pereira, V. De Gennaro

Prediction of the Behaviour of Unsaturated Soils using Evolutionary Polynomial Regression; An Incremental Approach
A.A. Javadi, A. Johari, A. Ahangar-Asr, A. Faramarzi, D.G. Toll, N. Khalili

Parameter Calibration for Hydro-Mechanical Modelling using Numerical Simulation of Test Results
R. Gómez, E. Romero, A. Lloret, J. Suriol, C. Jommi

Numerical Simulations of the Thermomechanical Behaviour of Clays on Volumetric and Deviatoric Paths
M.S. Ghembaza, Z. Bellia, H. Trouzine

Mechanical Model for Partially Saturated Sandy Soils: Application to Liquefaction
H.B. Bian, T. Nishimura, I. Shahrour

Evaluation of a Constitutive Model for Unsaturated Soils: Stress Variables and Numerical Implementation
N.A. González, A. Gens

A Simple Elasto-Plastic Model for Unsaturated Soils and Interpretations of Collapse and Compaction Behaviours
M. Kikumoto, H. Kyokawa, T. Nakai, H.M. Shahin

Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Microstructure (A1) MoM03
Room: VS208
Chair: Yu-Jun Cui
An Insight into Role of Clay-Fluid Molecular Interactions on the Microstructure and Macroscale Properties of Swelling Clays
D.R. Katti, K.S. Katti, P.M. Amarasinghe, S.M. Pradhan

A Model for Capillary Pressure in Unsaturated Granular Soils within the Pendular Saturation Regime
J.L. Justo, M. Vázquez

Development of Microstructure in Compacted Earthen Building Materials
C.T. Beckett, C.E. Augarde

Influence of Microstructure on the Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of a Natural Silty Clay
M. Mascarenha, M. Cordão Neto, E. Romero

Volume Changes of Swelling Clayey Soils at Microscopic Scale Level
T. Maison, F. Laouafa, J.M. Fleureau

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00
Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Slopes (D3) MoA01
Room: Auditorium
Chair: David Williams
Influence of Seasonable Water Pressure Variations on Unsaturated Slopes Stability
F.A. Franch, M.M. Futai

Matric Suction in Unsaturated Pyroclastic Slope
A. Scotto di Santolo, A. Evangelista

Performance of an Instrumented Slope under a Capillary Barrier System
H. Rahardjo, C.J. Hua, E.C. Leong, V.A. Santoso

Stochastic Modelling of Unsaturated Slope Stability
P. Arnold, M.A. Hicks

Test Site Experience on Mechanisms Triggering Mudflows in Unsaturated Pyroclastic Soils in Southern Italy
M. Pirone, R. Papa, M.V. Nicotera

Analysis of Influencing Factors in Strengthening Expansive Soil Slope with the Coverage of Geo-Membrane
J.P. Yuan, J.H. Wu, Z.Z. Yin

The Influence on the Slope Stability of the Initial Degree of Saturation of a Fill Ground
T. Mori, R. Uzuoka, M. Kazama

Back-Analysis of Infiltration Characteristic of a Saprolitic Hillslope by considering Permeability Heterogeneity
A.K. Leung, C.W. W. Ng

The Significance of Curved Shear Strength Envelope in Modelling Rainfall Induced Shallow Failure of Slopes
M.J. Md Noor, B.A. Hadi

Shear and Soil-Water Retention Behaviour of a Variably Saturated Residual Soil and Its Implication on Slope Stability
A. Jotisankasa, J. Tapparnich

The Effect of Ripping Clay Soil on Swell Behaviour
S. Fityus, O. Buzzi, M. Holt, T. Gunther

Modelling: Fundamentals and Constitutive Modelling (C1) MoA02
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Luis Vallejo
Rotational Multiple Yield Surface Framework and the Prediction of Stress-Strain Response for Saturated and Unsaturated Soils
M.J. Md Noor, I.B Mohamed Jais

Laboratory Modelling: Settlement due to Groundwater Fluctuation in Partially Saturated Soil
M.J. Md Noor, I.B. Mohamed Jais, J.D. Nyuin

Modelling Criteria for a Microbiologically Stabilised Compacted Soil in the Framework of Elastoplasticity
G. Della Vecchia, L. Morales, E. Garzón, C. Jommi, E. Romero

Simulations of Static Compaction with Unsaturated Soil/Water Coupled F.E. Analysis
M. Shibata, K. Kawai, S. Kanazawa, A. Iizuka, S. Tachibana, S. Ohno, M. Honda

Hydro-Mechanical Coupling for Unsaturated Soils
D. Sheng, A.N. Zhou

Use of Test Results from Undrained Loading for Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Soils
X. Zhang

Constitutive Model of Unsaturated Structured Soils under Cyclic Loading
C. Yang, M. Huang, Y. Cui

An Introduction of Jumped Kinematic Hardening Rule to Elastoplastic Model for Unsaturated Geo-materials
Y. Kohgo

Constitutive Model Developments for Compacted Unsaturated Fine Grained Soils Based on Porosimetry
R. Salgueiro, S. Olivella, J. Suriol

Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Water Retention and Hydraulic Behaviour (A3) MoA03
Room: VS208
Chair: Sun De‘an
An Investigation on the Effect of Initial Water Content and Dry Density on Drying Soil-Water Characteristic Curve of a Cohesionless Soil
M. Chetia, S. Sreedeep

Investigations on Water Retention Behaviour of Deformable Soils
S. Salager, A. Ferrari, M. Nuth, L. Laloui

On the Inverse Problem Solution for Laboratory Determination of Unsaturated Water Hydraulic Conductivities
K.V. Bicalho, J-M. Fleureau, Y-J. Cui, C. Romanel

Prediction of Soil-Water Characteristic Curve using Neural Network
A. Johari, A.A. Javadi

The Void Ratio Dependency of the Retention Behaviour for a Compacted Clay
C. Airò Farulla, A. Battiato, A. Ferrari

Hydromechanical Behaviour of a Natural Sand using different Suction Controlled Techniques
H. Nowamooz, M.I. Arsenie, C. Chazallon, F. Masrouri

Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Fine-Grained Soil from the Blanket Layer of Old Railway Lines in France
V.N. Trinh, A.M. Tang, Y.J. Cui, J.C. Dupla, J. Canou, N. Calon, A. Robinet, L. Lambert, O. Schoen

A Study of the Water Retention Characteristics and Volume Change of Lime-Treated London Clay
X. Zhang, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn, Z. Cabarkapa

Soil-Water Characteristic Curves obtained through the Wetting Paths for a Tropical Soil Profile
B.H. Bonder, M.G. Miguel

Hysteresis between Wetting and Drying Diffusivity Parameters
D. Mabirizi, R. Bulut

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30
Modelling: Fundamentals and Constitutive Modelling (C1) MoE01
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Behrouz Gatmiri
Elastoplastic Modelling of Hydraulic and Mechanical Behaviour of Expansive Soils
D.A. Sun, W.J. Sun

Saturation Induced Instability on Bonded Geomaterials
G. Buscarnera, R. Nova

Modelling the Unsaturated Behaviour of Structured Soils
M. Rouainia, J.M. Pereira

An Effective Stress Based Model for the Dependency of a Water Retention Curve on Void Ratio
D. Masin

Some Remarks on the Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Modelling of Natural and Compacted Boom Clay
G. Della Vecchia, C. Jommi, A. Lima , E. Romero

Effect of Anisotropy on the Prediction of Unsaturated Soil Response under Triaxial and Oedometric Condition
F. D´Onza, D. Gallipoli, S. Wheeler

A Constitutive Model for Cemented Unsaturated Soils and Weak Rocks
R. Tamagnini, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn

A Fully Coupled Hysteretic Finite Element Model for Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Unsaturated Soils
N. Khalili, S. Zargarbashi, M.A. Habte

Parameter Identification in BBM using a Parallel Asynchronous Differential Evolution Algorithm
Y. Zhang, X.T. Feng, D. Gallipoli, C. Augarde

Hydraulic Hysteresis Coupled to Volume Change Effects in Unsaturated Soil Behavior
M. Morvan, H. Wong, D. Branque

Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Stress-strain and Strength Characteristics (A2) MoE02
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Fernando A. M. Marinho
Compressive Strength of Unsaturated Fissured Clays
L. Vallejo

Dilatancy and Shear Strength of an Aged Compacted Fill
A. Chiu, X. Zhao

The Relationship between the Critical State Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soils and the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve
J.A. Infante Sedano, S.K. Vanapalli

Constant Volume Triaxial Compression Tests on Unsaturated Soil prepared from Slurry
M. Shimizu, J. Terakata

The Decrease of the Strength of Unsaturated Silty Sand and the Bishop´S Parameter X
J. Leal, G. Gallegos, E. Rojas

Shear Strength of an Unsaturated Silty Sand
F. Casini, P. Minder, S.M. Springman

Constant Water Content Triaxial Compression Tests with a Compacted Soil
G.B. Georgetti, O.M. Vilar

Unsaturated Shear Strength Parameters of Tropical Volcanic Residual Soils
R. Karlinasari, P. Rahardjo

Experimental Investigation of Stress Increment Direction Dependency of Plastic Flow in Unsaturated Soils
S. Zargarbashi, N. Khalili

Laboratory Investigations on Static Liquefaction Potential of Pyroclastic Soils involved in Rainfall-Induced Landslides of the Flow-Type
G. Sorbino, G. Migliaro, V. Foresta

Part I: Modelling: Analytical and Numerical Modelling (C2)
Part II: Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Water Retention and Hydraulic Behaviour (A3)
Room: VS208
Chair: Laureano Hoyos
Atmospheric Drying and Laboratory Wetting of Stockpiled Product Coal
D.J. Williams

Behaviour of an Unsaturated Soil Column under Loading and Watering
F. Salehnia, B. Gatmiri

Numerical Simulation of Volume Change of a Swelling Soil in the Northeast of Brazil
L.M. Costa, S.R. Ferreira, L.J. Guimarães, I.D. Pontes Filho

Water Retention Curve and Shrinkage of a Waste from the Paper Industry
J. Bizarreta, T.M. de Campos

Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) and Volumetric Deformation Law for a Plastic Clay under High Suction
M. Vázquez, P. Durand, J.L. Justo

Comparison of Four Methods for Determining the Soil Water Retention Curve
M. Zielinski, M. Sanchez, E. Romero, P. Sentenac, A. Atique

Comparison between the In Situ and Laboratory Water Retention Curves for a Silty Sand
A. Askarinejad, F. Casini, P. Kienzler, S.M. Springman

A Transfer Function of a Soil Water Characteristic Curve Model for Sands
E. Imre , K. Rajkai, R. Genovese, C. Jommi

Laboratory determination of soil-water characteristic curves for cracked soil
M.M. Abbaszadeh, S. Houston, C. Zapata, W. Houston, B. Welfert, K. Walsh

Unsaturated Hydraulic Characteristics of Soil with Significant Oversize Particles
S. Somasundaram, T. Shenthan, C. Benson, S. Nannapaneni

A Simple Method to Consider Water Density Changes in the Calculation of the Degree of Saturation of Swelling Clays
D. Marcial

19:00 - 20:30
Welcome Reception

Tuesday, September 7th

09:00 - 10:20
Keynote Lecture and General Report
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Simon Wheeler
Geotechnical and Environmental Models Involving Unsaturated Soils and Rocks
S. Olivella

Unsaturated Soils: Compacted versus Reconstituted States
A. Tarantino

10:20 - 10:50

10:50 - 13:00
Part I: Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Foundations (D2)
Part II: Part II: Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Pavements (D5)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Frans Molenkamp
Water Migration in Pavement Subgrade
E.J. Nelson, D.D. Overton

Identification, Characterization and Analysis of Deep Foundation in Collapsible Soil - Regional Prison of Eunápolis, Bahia / Brazil
R. Coutinho, B. Castro, K. Dourado

A Technique for Estimating the Shaft Resistance of Test Piles in Unsaturated Soils
S.K. Vanapalli, K.D. Eigenbrod, Z.N. Taylan, C. Catana, W.T. Oh, E. Garven

Piles Horizontal Bearing Capacity in Tropical Soil under Distinct Moisture Contents
M.A. de Almeida, M.G. Miguel, S.H. Teixeira

Settlement Prediction of Cyclically Loaded Footings Resting on Partially Saturated Sand by Means of a Kinematic Hardening Model
A. Becker

Performance and Design of Foundations on Unsaturated Expansive Soil
J.T. Bryant, M.A. Haque

Water Content Profiles for Design of Foundations on Expansive Soils
D.D. Overton, K.C. Chao, J.D. Nelson

Bearing Capacity of a Strip Footing on an Unsaturated Sand
T. Schanz, Y. Lins, S.K. Vanapalli

Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of a Residential Building on Expansive Soil Subject to a Leaking Underground
X. Zhang

Interpretation of the Bearing Capacity of Unsaturated Soils extending the Effective and the Total Stress Approaches
S.K. Vanapalli, W.T. Oh

A Simple Technique for Estimating the 1-D Heave in Expansive Soils
S.K. Vanapalli, L. Lu, W.T. Oh

Bearing Capacity of an Unsaturated Sand from Model Footing Tests
S.K. Vanapalli, R. Sun, X. Li

Comparison of Bearing Capacity of Unsaturated Sand using the Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) and the Plate Load Tests (PLT)
F.M. Mohamed, S.K. Vanapalli, M. Saatcioglu

Testing Techniques: Laboratory, In Situ and Centrifuge (B) TuM02
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Gerald Miller
Useful Laboratory Guidelines for Unsaturated Soils Research
J.L. Boyd, V. Sivakumar

Small-Strain Stiffness of Compacted Silty Sand using a Proximitor-Based Suction-Controlled Resonant Column Device
L.R. Hoyos, E.A. Suescun, J.A. Pineda, A.J. Puppala

Wave Velocity Analysis of State Parameter Changes in Multi-phase Granular Materials
F. Wuttke, M. Asslan, T. Schanz

Advances in Tensiometer Based Suction Control Systems
S.D. Lourenço, D. Gallipoli, D.G. Toll, C.E. Augarde, F.D. Evans

Calibration of a TDR Probe in an Expansive Soil
S. Fityus, K. Rajkai

Calibration of Smart Irrigation Sensor (SIS-UMS) for the Blanket Layer Soil from Old Railway Lines
V.N. Trinh, A.M. Tang, Y.J. Cui, J.C. Dupla, J. Canou, N. Calon, A. Robinet, L. Lambert, O. Schoen

Analysis of a Drawdown Test Displaying the Use of Transparent Soil in Unsaturated Flow Applications
G. Siemens, S. Peters, W.A. Take

Efficient Measurement of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity using a Wetting Front Advancing Method
X. Li, L.M. Zhang, D.G. Fredlund

Characterization of Unsaturated Zone Susceptible to Landslides in Tropical Volcanic Residual Soil with In-Situ Tests
P.P. Rahardjo, R Karlinasari

The Challenges of Performing Laboratory Controlled Cone Penetration Tests in Unsaturated Soils
M. Pournaghiazar, A.R. Russell, N. Khalili

Detecting Water Content Changes in Sand Samples by Means of Electrical Resistivity Tomography
R.M. Cosentini, G. Della Vecchia, S. Foti, G. Musso

A Novel Non-Contacting Laser Displacement Transducer Technique for Volume Change Measurements of Unsaturated Soils
X. Zhang, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn, Z. Cabarkapa, J. Sutton

Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Thermal and Chemical Effects (A4) TuM03
Room: VS208
Chair: to be confirmed
Influence of Temperature Rise under Undrained Condition on the Shear Behavior of Unsaturated Sandy Soil Considering Solubility of Gaseous Components
Y. Katsuno, M. Iwabuchi, K. Ozawa, R. Uzuoka, M. Kazama

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of an Expansive Bentonite/Silt Mixture using Different Suction Controlled Techniques
H. Nowamooz, R. Gómez-Espina, M.V. Villar, F. Masrouri

Thermal Damage in Unsaturated Geomaterials
M. Mozayan, C. Arson, B. Gatmiri

Effect of Temperature on Collapse Potential of Kaolin Clay
A. Haghighi, G. Medero, P. Woodward, L. Laloui

Influence Analysis of the Contaminants Fluid in a Compacted Soil Collapse
E.Q. Motta, S.R. Ferreira

Influence of Temperature on the Water Retention Capacity of Soils. Analysis using Solution Thermodynamics
A.C. Jacinto, A. Ledesma, M.V. Villar, R. Gómez-Espina

Temperature Effects on Soil-water Retention Properties of Densely Compacted GMZ01 Bentonite
W.M. Ye, M. Wan, B. Chen, Y.J. Cui, J. Wang

Thermal Pulse Effects on the Stiffness Degradation of Unsaturated Clayey Materials
A. Lima , J.A. Pineda, E. Romero

Direct Measurement of Thermal Expansion in Unsaturated Soils
X. Pintado, A. Lloret

Determining the Thermal Conductivity as a Function of Previous Moisture for a Soil with Different Percentages of Gravels
C.M. Rubio, R. Josa, D.R. Cobos, C.S. Campbell, F. Ferrer

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00
Panel Session. Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Antonio Gens
Panel Session. Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering
J.L. Justo, J.D. Nelson, H. Rahardjo, A.M. Ridley, S.K. Vanapalli

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30
Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Geoenviromental Applications (D6) TuE01
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Abdelmalek Bouazza
Non-Isothermal Infiltration in Plastic Bentonite
B. François, L. Laloui

Behaviour of Wet Fill using Residual Soil
F.A. Marinho, F. Massad

Geotechnical Issues in the Design and Construction of PMOBs
A.R. Cabral, M. Letourneau, J.S. McCartney, J.M. Parks, E. Yanful, Q. Song

Coupled Solute Mass Transport and Evaporation in Saline Soil
A. Dunmola, P. Simms

Evaluation of a Capillary Barrier at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
L.O. Williams, D.L. Hoyt, G.A. Hargreaves, S.F. Dwyer, J.G. Zornberg

Numerical Modelling of the Resaturation of Swelling Clay with Gas Injection
P. Gerard, J.-P Radu, J. Talandier, R. de La Vaissière, R. Charlier, F. Collin

THMC analysis of saturation and heating processes of an expansive clay barrier in radioactive waste isolation
L. Guimarães, A. Gens, M. Sánchez, S. Olivella

Evaluation of Landfill Gas Emission in Experimental Cover Layers in Brazil
F.J. Maciel, R.L. Lopes, J.F. Jucá

Gas Migration in Sand/Bentonite Mixtures through Preferential Paths
D. Arnedo, E.E. Alonso, S. Olivella, E. Romero

Laboratory Studies of the Addition of Bentonite to Landfill Cover Soil
R.L. Izzo, C.F. Mahler, K. Huse

Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Bentonite Blocks:Experimental Approaches
J.O. Lee, W.J. Cho, S.K. Kwon, J.W. Choi

Modelling: Fundamentals and Constitutive Modelling (C1) TuE02
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Yuji Kohgo
On the Definition of Constitutive Models for Compacted Soft Rocks
R. Cardoso, E.E. Alonso

A Fundamental Interpretation of the Critical State Strength of Unsaturated Soils
E.J. Murray, V. Sivakumar

Hydraulic Conductivity Function for Unsaturated Cracked Soil
L.M. Zhang, J.H. Li, D.G. Fredlund

Soil Water Characteristic Curves and Adsorption Potential
S. Frydman, R. Baker

Assessment of Volumetric Collapse using Probabilistic Approach
I. Otálvaro Calle, M.P. Cordão-Neto, G. Medero

Is the Degree of Saturation a Good Candidate for Bishop’s χ Parameter?
J.M. Pereira, O. Coussy, E. Alonso, J. Vaunat, S. Olivella

Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Stress-strain and Strength Characteristics (A2) TuE03
Room: VS208
Chair: Luciano Oldecop
Direct Shear Strength of Compacted Bentonite under Different Suctions
T. Nishimura, H. Rahardjo, J. Koseki

Investigation of the Behavior of an Unsaturated Sand using a Cyclic Direct Shear Device
T. Nishimura, I. Shahrour, H.B. Bian

Simple Shear Tests on Unsaturated Undisturbed Specimens containing a Weak Layer
J.L. Deng, H. Kameya, Y. Tsutsumi, J. Koseki, J. Kuwano

Critical State Behaviors of Unsaturated Soil in the Direct Shear Test under Constant Pressure
B.S. Kim, S. Kato, S. Shibuya

Direct Shear Test under Constant Volume State for Unsaturated Soil
S. Kato, B.S. Kim, S. Shibuya

A New Unsaturated Direct Shear Apparatus for Measuring Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soils Part 2: Results and Comparison between Plane Strain and Triaxial Loading Conditions
A. Mirzaii, S.S. Yasrebi, E. Hefzi

Shear Strength of Pyroclastic Unsaturated Soils from Suction-Controlled Direct Shear Tests
R. Papa, M.V. Nicotera

Effect of Suction and Plasticity on the Shear Strength os Sand/Silt Mixtures
M.V. Villar, P.L. Martín, R. Gómez-Espina, A. Lloret

Effect of Suction Hysteresis on the Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soil Interfaces
C. Khoury, G. Miller

19:00 - 21:00
TC106 Meeting

Wednesday, September 8th

09:00 - 10:20
Keynote Lecture and General Report
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed
Energy Geotechnology: Implications of Mixed Fluid Conditions
J.C. Santamarina, J. Jang

Geotechnical Problems and Case Histories from the Perspective of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
C.W. Ng, A.K. Leung

10:20 - 10:50

10:50 - 13:00
Modelling: Analytical and Numerical Modelling (C2) WeM01
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Anand Puppala
Numerical Simulation of an Unsaturated Slope Failure during an Earthquake
R. Uzuoka, K. Maruyama, T. Mori, M. Kazama, T. Unno, N. Sento

Drying Shrinkage and Cracking Initiation in Clays: Main Modeling Concepts and Application to the Ventilation of a Tunnel
H. Peron, J. Eichenberger, L. Laloui

Effect of Mesh Resolution on Long-Term Water Balance Calculations
M.D. Fredlund, R.T. Thode, R.G. Nelson

Fully Coupled Analysis of Unsaturated Porous Media using a Meshfree Method
A. Khoshghalb, N. Khalili

A Driver for the Integration of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Laws for Unsaturated Soils
F. Cattaneo, G. Della Vecchia, C. Jommi

Explicit Stress Integration with Reduced Drift for Barcelona Basic Model
W.T. Solowski, D. Sheng, S.W. Sloan

Implicit Integration of a Constitutive Model for Partially Saturated Structured Porous Materials
R. Tamagnini, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn

Active Earth Force in “Cohesionless” Unsaturated Soils using Bound Theorems of Plasticity
S. Stanier, A. Tarantino

A New Analytical Solution for One Dimensional Transient Flow in Unsaturated Soils
H. Farshbaf Aghajani, A. Soroush

Two-Dimensional Fundamental Solution for Dynamic Behaviour Analysis of Unsaturated Soils
P. Maghoul, B. Gatmiri, D. Duhamel

Comparison of the Nonlinear Elastic and Elastoplastic Models in THM Response of Unsaturated Soils
F. Salehnia, B. Gatmiri

Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Stress-strain and Strength Characteristics (A2) WeM02
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Domenico Gallipoli
Study on Gas Phase in Unsaturated Soils
Y. Liu, C.G. Zhao, Q. Fang

The Relationship between the Elastic and Shear Modulus of Unsatured Soils
W.T. Oh, S.K. Vanapalli

Mechanical Behaviors and Water Retention Characteristics of Micro-Porous Ceramic Particles Made with Burning Sludge
J. Kawazu, K. Kawai, S. Kanazawa, A. Iizuka

Pore Pressure under Undrained Condition for Compacted Unsaturated Silty Soil having a Low Matric Suction
T. Nishimura, J. Koseki

Shrinkage during Wetting of Fine-Pored Materials: Does this Accord with the Principle of Effective Stress?
G.E. Blight

Stress Path Effects on Shear Stiffness, Damping Ratio and Volumetric Behavior of Normally Consolidated Unsaturated Compacted Clay
M. Biglari, A. d‘Onofrio, C. Mancuso, M.K. Jafari, A. Shafiee

Effects of Matric Suction on Elastic Shear Modulus of Three Unsaturated Soils
S. Kawajiri, S. Shibuya, S. Kato, T. Kawaguchi

A Constitutive Relationship for Collapsible Soils in Terms of Stress State Variables
J.D. Nelson, C.N. Hatton, K.C. Chao

An Experimental Study on the Cyclic Behaviour of Natural Loess
Y.J. Cui, A.M. Tang, J.P. Karam, J.M. Terpereau

Assessment of the cv Coefficient for Unsaturated Warsaw Clay
Z. Skutnik, M. Lendo-Siwicka, K. Garbulewski

Testing Techniques: Laboratory, In Situ and Centrifuge (B) WeM03
Room: VS208
Chair: Sarah M. Springman
Centrifuge Modeling of Soil Atmosphere Interaction
B. Caicedo, J. Tristancho, L. Thorel

Centrifuge Modeling applied to Swelling Soils
B. Caicedo, C. Segura

Physical Modelling on Unsaturated Soils Using Centrifuge
B. Caicedo, J. Tristancho, L. Thorel

A New Unsaturated Direct Shear Apparatus for Measuring Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soils Part 1: Apparatus Features and Test Procedures
E. Hefzi, S.S. Yasrobi, A. Mirzaii

Modeling Unsaturated Soil Response under Large Deformations Using a Novel Suction-Controlled Ring Shear Device
L.R. Hoyos, C.L. Velosa, A.J. Puppala

Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Soil Behavior using a Refined Suction-Controlled True Triaxial Cell: Preliminary Observations
L.R. Hoyos, D.D. Pérez-Ruiz, A.J. Puppala

A New Permeameter for the Determination of the Unsaturated Coefficient of Permeability
M. Moncada, T. de Campos

The Use of Filter Paper Method for Field Suction Investigation
M. Nacinovic, C. Mahler, R. Izzo, P.F. Brandt, A.S. Avelar

Evaluation of Filter Paper Calibrations for Indirect Determination of Soil Suctions of Unsaturated Soils
K.V. Bicalho, F.A. Marinho, J.-M Fleureau, A. Gomes Correia

Suction Measurements on a Natural Unsaturated Loess: A Reappraisal of the Filter Paper Method
J.A. Muñoz-Castelblanco, J.M. Pereira, P. Delage, Y.J. Cui

Effective Thermal Conductivity of partially Saturated Soils
S. Hamuda, M. Rouainia, B.G. Clarke

Commentaries on the Consolidation-Swell Test
K.C. Chao, J.D. Nelson, D.D. Overton, E.J. Nelson

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00
Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Stress-strain and Strength Characteristics (A2) WeA01
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Pierre Delage
Inundation Collapse Strain and Creep Measurements for Two Campanian Pyroclastic Soils
P. De Simone

Experimental Study of the Collapsible Behavior of a Tropical Unsaturated Soil
R.A. Rodrigues, O.M. Vilar

Desorption and Consolidation Behaviour of Initially Saturated Clays
S. Tripathy, R. Bag, H.R. Thomas

Collapsibility Study for Tropical Soil Profile using Oedometric Tests with Controlled Suction
J.C. Benatti, M.G. Miguel, R.A. Rodrigues, O.M. Vilar

Collapse Potential of a Compacted Weathered Serpentinite from Skiros Island, Greece
M. Bardanis, S. Grifiza

Hydro-Mechanical Response of an Expansive Silt-Bentonite Mixture
M. Ajdari, H. Nowamooz, F. Masrouri, G. Habibagahi, A. Ghahramani

Deformation Behavior in Unsaturated Soils
R. Baltodano-Goulding

Experimental Study on K0Coefficient of Ningming Unsaturated Expansive Soil
H.P Yang, J. Xiao, G.F. Zhang, R. Zhang

Swelling Pressure Evolution in Compacted Bentonite: Experiments and Modelling
M. Sánchez, M.V. Villar, R. Gómez-Espina, A. Lloret, A. Gens

Volume Change Behavior due to Moisture Variation in Vertisoil from a Semiarid Region in Pernambuco - Brazil
S.R. Ferreira

Part I: Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Geoenviromental Applications (D6)
Part II: Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Soil-atmosphere interaction (D1)
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Jorge Zornberg
Unsaturated Behaviour of Mine Tailings in Low Precipitation Areas
L. Oldecop, L. Garino, J.J. Muñoz, R. Rodriguez, C. García

Numerical Study on Rainfall Infiltration into Landfill Earthen Final Cover
T.L. Zhan, G.W. Jia, Y.M. Chen, D.G. Fredlund

Water Infiltration and Methane Emission through Three Different Cover Layers of an Experimental Municipal Waste Landfill at Muribeca, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil
R.L. Lopes, M.C. Alves, J.F. Jucá

Study of Stratification Resistant to Salt Damage
S. Nomura, K. Kawai, S. Kanazawa, A. Iizuka, S. Ohno, P. Thirapong, S. Tachibana

An Experimental Root Barrier to Protect the Foundations of a Building from the Desiccating Effects of Tree Roots
G.E. Blight

Soil Heat and Evaporation from Soil
G.E. Blight

An Environmental Chamber for studying the Soil-Atmosphere Interaction
A.N. Ta, A.M. Tang, Y.J. Cui, J. Thiriat

Use of Satellite Observations for Estimating the Degree of Saturation of Superficial Soils
L. Montrasio, R. Valentino, C. Quintavalla

Influences of the Soil-Atmosphere Interface Interactions on the Soil Water Content and Temperature Profiles
K.V. Bicalho, G. Vivacqua, Y.-J Cui

A Prototype Soil Column to Calibrate Numerical Models Accounting for Soil –Atmosphere Interaction
M. Caruso, C. Jommi

Part I: Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Thermal and Chemical Effects (A4)
Part II: New Areas ( E )
Room: VS208
Chair: Charles Augarde
Effects of a Microbiological Compound for the Stabilisation of Compacted Soils on their Microstructure and Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour
L. Morales, E. Garzón, E. Romero, C. Jommi

Effects of Crude Oil Pollution on the Shear Strength Behaviour of an Unsaturated Porous Soil Medium
M. Mohammadi, S.S. Yasrebi, A. Mirzaii

LNAPL Retention in Partially Saturated Silty Sand
M. Alferi, E. Romero, A. Dominijanni, M. Manassero

Effect of Drying and Wetting Cycles on the Shear Strength of Argillaceous Rocks
R.D. Tovar, J.E. Colmenares

Pore Geometry Induced Suction and the Slaking of Shales
L.E. Vallejo, A. Stewart-Murphy

Water Retention Curve for Evolving Marl under Suction Cycles
R. Cardoso, G. Della Vecchia, C. Jommi, E. Romero

Effects of Hydraulic Cycling on the Stiffness Response of a Rigid Clay
J.A. Pineda, G. Mitaritonna, E. Romero, M. Arroyo

Influence of Suction on the Mechanical Behaviour of Rock Joints under Shear Loading
M.T. Zandarín, E. Alonso, S. Olivella

Influence of Freeze-Thaw Action on Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Crushable Volcanic Soil
T. Ishikawa, S. Miura, K. Itou

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:00
Panel Session. Unsaturated Soil Mechanics: The Future
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Eduardo Alonso
Panel Session. Unsaturated Soil Mechanics: The Future
D.G. Fredlund, C. Jommi, N. Khalili, S. Leroueil, D.G. Toll

18:00 - 18:30
Closing Ceremony
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

20:30 - 23:00
Conference Dinner