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6/9/2010    16:30 - 18:30
Part I: Modelling: Analytical and Numerical Modelling (C2)
Part II: Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Water Retention and Hydraulic Behaviour (A3)
Room: VS208
Chair: Laureano Hoyos
Atmospheric Drying and Laboratory Wetting of Stockpiled Product Coal
D.J. Williams

Behaviour of an Unsaturated Soil Column under Loading and Watering
F. Salehnia, B. Gatmiri

Numerical Simulation of Volume Change of a Swelling Soil in the Northeast of Brazil
L.M. Costa, S.R. Ferreira, L.J. Guimarães, I.D. Pontes Filho

Water Retention Curve and Shrinkage of a Waste from the Paper Industry
J. Bizarreta, T.M. de Campos

Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) and Volumetric Deformation Law for a Plastic Clay under High Suction
M. Vázquez, P. Durand, J.L. Justo

Comparison of Four Methods for Determining the Soil Water Retention Curve
M. Zielinski, M. Sanchez, E. Romero, P. Sentenac, A. Atique

Comparison between the In Situ and Laboratory Water Retention Curves for a Silty Sand
A. Askarinejad, F. Casini, P. Kienzler, S.M. Springman

A Transfer Function of a Soil Water Characteristic Curve Model for Sands
E. Imre , K. Rajkai, R. Genovese, C. Jommi

Laboratory determination of soil-water characteristic curves for cracked soil
M.M. Abbaszadeh, S. Houston, C. Zapata, W. Houston, B. Welfert, K. Walsh

Unsaturated Hydraulic Characteristics of Soil with Significant Oversize Particles
S. Somasundaram, T. Shenthan, C. Benson, S. Nannapaneni

A Simple Method to Consider Water Density Changes in the Calculation of the Degree of Saturation of Swelling Clays
D. Marcial

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