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6/9/2010    16:30 - 18:30
Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Stress-strain and Strength Characteristics (A2)
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Fernando A. M. Marinho
Compressive Strength of Unsaturated Fissured Clays
L. Vallejo

Dilatancy and Shear Strength of an Aged Compacted Fill
A. Chiu, X. Zhao

The Relationship between the Critical State Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soils and the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve
J.A. Infante Sedano, S.K. Vanapalli

Constant Volume Triaxial Compression Tests on Unsaturated Soil prepared from Slurry
M. Shimizu, J. Terakata

The Decrease of the Strength of Unsaturated Silty Sand and the Bishop´S Parameter X
J. Leal, G. Gallegos, E. Rojas

Shear Strength of an Unsaturated Silty Sand
F. Casini, P. Minder, S.M. Springman

Constant Water Content Triaxial Compression Tests with a Compacted Soil
G.B. Georgetti, O.M. Vilar

Unsaturated Shear Strength Parameters of Tropical Volcanic Residual Soils
R. Karlinasari, P. Rahardjo

Experimental Investigation of Stress Increment Direction Dependency of Plastic Flow in Unsaturated Soils
S. Zargarbashi, N. Khalili

Laboratory Investigations on Static Liquefaction Potential of Pyroclastic Soils involved in Rainfall-Induced Landslides of the Flow-Type
G. Sorbino, G. Migliaro, V. Foresta

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