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6/9/2010    16:30 - 18:30
Modelling: Fundamentals and Constitutive Modelling (C1)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Behrouz Gatmiri
Elastoplastic Modelling of Hydraulic and Mechanical Behaviour of Expansive Soils
D.A. Sun, W.J. Sun

Saturation Induced Instability on Bonded Geomaterials
G. Buscarnera, R. Nova

Modelling the Unsaturated Behaviour of Structured Soils
M. Rouainia, J.M. Pereira

An Effective Stress Based Model for the Dependency of a Water Retention Curve on Void Ratio
D. Masin

Some Remarks on the Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Modelling of Natural and Compacted Boom Clay
G. Della Vecchia, C. Jommi, A. Lima , E. Romero

Effect of Anisotropy on the Prediction of Unsaturated Soil Response under Triaxial and Oedometric Condition
F. D´Onza, D. Gallipoli, S. Wheeler

A Constitutive Model for Cemented Unsaturated Soils and Weak Rocks
R. Tamagnini, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn

A Fully Coupled Hysteretic Finite Element Model for Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Unsaturated Soils
N. Khalili, S. Zargarbashi, M.A. Habte

Parameter Identification in BBM using a Parallel Asynchronous Differential Evolution Algorithm
Y. Zhang, X.T. Feng, D. Gallipoli, C. Augarde

Hydraulic Hysteresis Coupled to Volume Change Effects in Unsaturated Soil Behavior
M. Morvan, H. Wong, D. Branque

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