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6/9/2010    14:00 - 16:00
Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Water Retention and Hydraulic Behaviour (A3)
Room: VS208
Chair: Sun De‘an
An Investigation on the Effect of Initial Water Content and Dry Density on Drying Soil-Water Characteristic Curve of a Cohesionless Soil
M. Chetia, S. Sreedeep

Investigations on Water Retention Behaviour of Deformable Soils
S. Salager, A. Ferrari, M. Nuth, L. Laloui

On the Inverse Problem Solution for Laboratory Determination of Unsaturated Water Hydraulic Conductivities
K.V. Bicalho, J-M. Fleureau, Y-J. Cui, C. Romanel

Prediction of Soil-Water Characteristic Curve using Neural Network
A. Johari, A.A. Javadi

The Void Ratio Dependency of the Retention Behaviour for a Compacted Clay
C. Airò Farulla, A. Battiato, A. Ferrari

Hydromechanical Behaviour of a Natural Sand using different Suction Controlled Techniques
H. Nowamooz, M.I. Arsenie, C. Chazallon, F. Masrouri

Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Fine-Grained Soil from the Blanket Layer of Old Railway Lines in France
V.N. Trinh, A.M. Tang, Y.J. Cui, J.C. Dupla, J. Canou, N. Calon, A. Robinet, L. Lambert, O. Schoen

A Study of the Water Retention Characteristics and Volume Change of Lime-Treated London Clay
X. Zhang, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn, Z. Cabarkapa

Soil-Water Characteristic Curves obtained through the Wetting Paths for a Tropical Soil Profile
B.H. Bonder, M.G. Miguel

Hysteresis between Wetting and Drying Diffusivity Parameters
D. Mabirizi, R. Bulut

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