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6/9/2010    14:00 - 16:00
Modelling: Fundamentals and Constitutive Modelling (C1)
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Luis Vallejo
Rotational Multiple Yield Surface Framework and the Prediction of Stress-Strain Response for Saturated and Unsaturated Soils
M.J. Md Noor, I.B Mohamed Jais

Laboratory Modelling: Settlement due to Groundwater Fluctuation in Partially Saturated Soil
M.J. Md Noor, I.B. Mohamed Jais, J.D. Nyuin

Modelling Criteria for a Microbiologically Stabilised Compacted Soil in the Framework of Elastoplasticity
G. Della Vecchia, L. Morales, E. Garzón, C. Jommi, E. Romero

Simulations of Static Compaction with Unsaturated Soil/Water Coupled F.E. Analysis
M. Shibata, K. Kawai, S. Kanazawa, A. Iizuka, S. Tachibana, S. Ohno, M. Honda

Hydro-Mechanical Coupling for Unsaturated Soils
D. Sheng, A.N. Zhou

Use of Test Results from Undrained Loading for Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Soils
X. Zhang

Constitutive Model of Unsaturated Structured Soils under Cyclic Loading
C. Yang, M. Huang, Y. Cui

An Introduction of Jumped Kinematic Hardening Rule to Elastoplastic Model for Unsaturated Geo-materials
Y. Kohgo

Constitutive Model Developments for Compacted Unsaturated Fine Grained Soils Based on Porosimetry
R. Salgueiro, S. Olivella, J. Suriol

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