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Number of visits: 167552

6/9/2010    14:00 - 16:00
Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Slopes (D3)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: David Williams
Influence of Seasonable Water Pressure Variations on Unsaturated Slopes Stability
F.A. Franch, M.M. Futai

Matric Suction in Unsaturated Pyroclastic Slope
A. Scotto di Santolo, A. Evangelista

Performance of an Instrumented Slope under a Capillary Barrier System
H. Rahardjo, C.J. Hua, E.C. Leong, V.A. Santoso

Stochastic Modelling of Unsaturated Slope Stability
P. Arnold, M.A. Hicks

Test Site Experience on Mechanisms Triggering Mudflows in Unsaturated Pyroclastic Soils in Southern Italy
M. Pirone, R. Papa, M.V. Nicotera

Analysis of Influencing Factors in Strengthening Expansive Soil Slope with the Coverage of Geo-Membrane
J.P. Yuan, J.H. Wu, Z.Z. Yin

The Influence on the Slope Stability of the Initial Degree of Saturation of a Fill Ground
T. Mori, R. Uzuoka, M. Kazama

Back-Analysis of Infiltration Characteristic of a Saprolitic Hillslope by considering Permeability Heterogeneity
A.K. Leung, C.W. W. Ng

The Significance of Curved Shear Strength Envelope in Modelling Rainfall Induced Shallow Failure of Slopes
M.J. Md Noor, B.A. Hadi

Shear and Soil-Water Retention Behaviour of a Variably Saturated Residual Soil and Its Implication on Slope Stability
A. Jotisankasa, J. Tapparnich

The Effect of Ripping Clay Soil on Swell Behaviour
S. Fityus, O. Buzzi, M. Holt, T. Gunther

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