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6/9/2010    11:50 - 13:00
Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Microstructure (A1)
Room: VS208
Chair: Yu-Jun Cui
An Insight into Role of Clay-Fluid Molecular Interactions on the Microstructure and Macroscale Properties of Swelling Clays
D.R. Katti, K.S. Katti, P.M. Amarasinghe, S.M. Pradhan

A Model for Capillary Pressure in Unsaturated Granular Soils within the Pendular Saturation Regime
J.L. Justo, M. Vázquez

Development of Microstructure in Compacted Earthen Building Materials
C.T. Beckett, C.E. Augarde

Influence of Microstructure on the Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of a Natural Silty Clay
M. Mascarenha, M. Cordão Neto, E. Romero

Volume Changes of Swelling Clayey Soils at Microscopic Scale Level
T. Maison, F. Laouafa, J.M. Fleureau

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