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8/9/2010    14:00 - 16:00
Part I: Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Thermal and Chemical Effects (A4)
Part II: New Areas ( E )
Room: VS208
Chair: Charles Augarde
Effects of a Microbiological Compound for the Stabilisation of Compacted Soils on their Microstructure and Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour
L. Morales, E. Garzón, E. Romero, C. Jommi

Effects of Crude Oil Pollution on the Shear Strength Behaviour of an Unsaturated Porous Soil Medium
M. Mohammadi, S.S. Yasrebi, A. Mirzaii

LNAPL Retention in Partially Saturated Silty Sand
M. Alferi, E. Romero, A. Dominijanni, M. Manassero

Effect of Drying and Wetting Cycles on the Shear Strength of Argillaceous Rocks
R.D. Tovar, J.E. Colmenares

Pore Geometry Induced Suction and the Slaking of Shales
L.E. Vallejo, A. Stewart-Murphy

Water Retention Curve for Evolving Marl under Suction Cycles
R. Cardoso, G. Della Vecchia, C. Jommi, E. Romero

Effects of Hydraulic Cycling on the Stiffness Response of a Rigid Clay
J.A. Pineda, G. Mitaritonna, E. Romero, M. Arroyo

Influence of Suction on the Mechanical Behaviour of Rock Joints under Shear Loading
M.T. Zandarín, E. Alonso, S. Olivella

Influence of Freeze-Thaw Action on Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Crushable Volcanic Soil
T. Ishikawa, S. Miura, K. Itou

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