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8/9/2010    14:00 - 16:00
Part I: Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Geoenviromental Applications (D6)
Part II: Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Soil-atmosphere interaction (D1)
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Jorge Zornberg
Unsaturated Behaviour of Mine Tailings in Low Precipitation Areas
L. Oldecop, L. Garino, J.J. Muñoz, R. Rodriguez, C. García

Numerical Study on Rainfall Infiltration into Landfill Earthen Final Cover
T.L. Zhan, G.W. Jia, Y.M. Chen, D.G. Fredlund

Water Infiltration and Methane Emission through Three Different Cover Layers of an Experimental Municipal Waste Landfill at Muribeca, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil
R.L. Lopes, M.C. Alves, J.F. Jucá

Study of Stratification Resistant to Salt Damage
S. Nomura, K. Kawai, S. Kanazawa, A. Iizuka, S. Ohno, P. Thirapong, S. Tachibana

An Experimental Root Barrier to Protect the Foundations of a Building from the Desiccating Effects of Tree Roots
G.E. Blight

Soil Heat and Evaporation from Soil
G.E. Blight

An Environmental Chamber for studying the Soil-Atmosphere Interaction
A.N. Ta, A.M. Tang, Y.J. Cui, J. Thiriat

Use of Satellite Observations for Estimating the Degree of Saturation of Superficial Soils
L. Montrasio, R. Valentino, C. Quintavalla

Influences of the Soil-Atmosphere Interface Interactions on the Soil Water Content and Temperature Profiles
K.V. Bicalho, G. Vivacqua, Y.-J Cui

A Prototype Soil Column to Calibrate Numerical Models Accounting for Soil –Atmosphere Interaction
M. Caruso, C. Jommi

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