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8/9/2010    14:00 - 16:00
Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Stress-strain and Strength Characteristics (A2)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Pierre Delage
Inundation Collapse Strain and Creep Measurements for Two Campanian Pyroclastic Soils
P. De Simone

Experimental Study of the Collapsible Behavior of a Tropical Unsaturated Soil
R.A. Rodrigues, O.M. Vilar

Desorption and Consolidation Behaviour of Initially Saturated Clays
S. Tripathy, R. Bag, H.R. Thomas

Collapsibility Study for Tropical Soil Profile using Oedometric Tests with Controlled Suction
J.C. Benatti, M.G. Miguel, R.A. Rodrigues, O.M. Vilar

Collapse Potential of a Compacted Weathered Serpentinite from Skiros Island, Greece
M. Bardanis, S. Grifiza

Hydro-Mechanical Response of an Expansive Silt-Bentonite Mixture
M. Ajdari, H. Nowamooz, F. Masrouri, G. Habibagahi, A. Ghahramani

Deformation Behavior in Unsaturated Soils
R. Baltodano-Goulding

Experimental Study on K0Coefficient of Ningming Unsaturated Expansive Soil
H.P Yang, J. Xiao, G.F. Zhang, R. Zhang

Swelling Pressure Evolution in Compacted Bentonite: Experiments and Modelling
M. Sánchez, M.V. Villar, R. Gómez-Espina, A. Lloret, A. Gens

Volume Change Behavior due to Moisture Variation in Vertisoil from a Semiarid Region in Pernambuco - Brazil
S.R. Ferreira

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