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8/9/2010    10:50 - 13:00
Testing Techniques: Laboratory, In Situ and Centrifuge (B)
Room: VS208
Chair: Sarah M. Springman
Centrifuge Modeling of Soil Atmosphere Interaction
B. Caicedo, J. Tristancho, L. Thorel

Centrifuge Modeling applied to Swelling Soils
B. Caicedo, C. Segura

Physical Modelling on Unsaturated Soils Using Centrifuge
B. Caicedo, J. Tristancho, L. Thorel

A New Unsaturated Direct Shear Apparatus for Measuring Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soils Part 1: Apparatus Features and Test Procedures
E. Hefzi, S.S. Yasrobi, A. Mirzaii

Modeling Unsaturated Soil Response under Large Deformations Using a Novel Suction-Controlled Ring Shear Device
L.R. Hoyos, C.L. Velosa, A.J. Puppala

Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Soil Behavior using a Refined Suction-Controlled True Triaxial Cell: Preliminary Observations
L.R. Hoyos, D.D. Pérez-Ruiz, A.J. Puppala

A New Permeameter for the Determination of the Unsaturated Coefficient of Permeability
M. Moncada, T. de Campos

The Use of Filter Paper Method for Field Suction Investigation
M. Nacinovic, C. Mahler, R. Izzo, P.F. Brandt, A.S. Avelar

Evaluation of Filter Paper Calibrations for Indirect Determination of Soil Suctions of Unsaturated Soils
K.V. Bicalho, F.A. Marinho, J.-M Fleureau, A. Gomes Correia

Suction Measurements on a Natural Unsaturated Loess: A Reappraisal of the Filter Paper Method
J.A. Muñoz-Castelblanco, J.M. Pereira, P. Delage, Y.J. Cui

Effective Thermal Conductivity of partially Saturated Soils
S. Hamuda, M. Rouainia, B.G. Clarke

Commentaries on the Consolidation-Swell Test
K.C. Chao, J.D. Nelson, D.D. Overton, E.J. Nelson

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