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8/9/2010    10:50 - 13:00
Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Stress-strain and Strength Characteristics (A2)
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Domenico Gallipoli
Study on Gas Phase in Unsaturated Soils
Y. Liu, C.G. Zhao, Q. Fang

The Relationship between the Elastic and Shear Modulus of Unsatured Soils
W.T. Oh, S.K. Vanapalli

Mechanical Behaviors and Water Retention Characteristics of Micro-Porous Ceramic Particles Made with Burning Sludge
J. Kawazu, K. Kawai, S. Kanazawa, A. Iizuka

Pore Pressure under Undrained Condition for Compacted Unsaturated Silty Soil having a Low Matric Suction
T. Nishimura, J. Koseki

Shrinkage during Wetting of Fine-Pored Materials: Does this Accord with the Principle of Effective Stress?
G.E. Blight

Stress Path Effects on Shear Stiffness, Damping Ratio and Volumetric Behavior of Normally Consolidated Unsaturated Compacted Clay
M. Biglari, A. d‘Onofrio, C. Mancuso, M.K. Jafari, A. Shafiee

Effects of Matric Suction on Elastic Shear Modulus of Three Unsaturated Soils
S. Kawajiri, S. Shibuya, S. Kato, T. Kawaguchi

A Constitutive Relationship for Collapsible Soils in Terms of Stress State Variables
J.D. Nelson, C.N. Hatton, K.C. Chao

An Experimental Study on the Cyclic Behaviour of Natural Loess
Y.J. Cui, A.M. Tang, J.P. Karam, J.M. Terpereau

Assessment of the cv Coefficient for Unsaturated Warsaw Clay
Z. Skutnik, M. Lendo-Siwicka, K. Garbulewski

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