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8/9/2010    10:50 - 13:00
Modelling: Analytical and Numerical Modelling (C2)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Anand Puppala
Numerical Simulation of an Unsaturated Slope Failure during an Earthquake
R. Uzuoka, K. Maruyama, T. Mori, M. Kazama, T. Unno, N. Sento

Drying Shrinkage and Cracking Initiation in Clays: Main Modeling Concepts and Application to the Ventilation of a Tunnel
H. Peron, J. Eichenberger, L. Laloui

Effect of Mesh Resolution on Long-Term Water Balance Calculations
M.D. Fredlund, R.T. Thode, R.G. Nelson

Fully Coupled Analysis of Unsaturated Porous Media using a Meshfree Method
A. Khoshghalb, N. Khalili

A Driver for the Integration of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Laws for Unsaturated Soils
F. Cattaneo, G. Della Vecchia, C. Jommi

Explicit Stress Integration with Reduced Drift for Barcelona Basic Model
W.T. Solowski, D. Sheng, S.W. Sloan

Implicit Integration of a Constitutive Model for Partially Saturated Structured Porous Materials
R. Tamagnini, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn

Active Earth Force in “Cohesionless” Unsaturated Soils using Bound Theorems of Plasticity
S. Stanier, A. Tarantino

A New Analytical Solution for One Dimensional Transient Flow in Unsaturated Soils
H. Farshbaf Aghajani, A. Soroush

Two-Dimensional Fundamental Solution for Dynamic Behaviour Analysis of Unsaturated Soils
P. Maghoul, B. Gatmiri, D. Duhamel

Comparison of the Nonlinear Elastic and Elastoplastic Models in THM Response of Unsaturated Soils
F. Salehnia, B. Gatmiri

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