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7/9/2010    16:30 - 18:30
Modelling: Fundamentals and Constitutive Modelling (C1)
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Yuji Kohgo
On the Definition of Constitutive Models for Compacted Soft Rocks
R. Cardoso, E.E. Alonso

A Fundamental Interpretation of the Critical State Strength of Unsaturated Soils
E.J. Murray, V. Sivakumar

Hydraulic Conductivity Function for Unsaturated Cracked Soil
L.M. Zhang, J.H. Li, D.G. Fredlund

Soil Water Characteristic Curves and Adsorption Potential
S. Frydman, R. Baker

Assessment of Volumetric Collapse using Probabilistic Approach
I. Otálvaro Calle, M.P. Cordão-Neto, G. Medero

Is the Degree of Saturation a Good Candidate for Bishop’s χ Parameter?
J.M. Pereira, O. Coussy, E. Alonso, J. Vaunat, S. Olivella

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