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7/9/2010    16:30 - 18:30
Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Geoenviromental Applications (D6)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Abdelmalek Bouazza
Non-Isothermal Infiltration in Plastic Bentonite
B. François, L. Laloui

Behaviour of Wet Fill using Residual Soil
F.A. Marinho, F. Massad

Geotechnical Issues in the Design and Construction of PMOBs
A.R. Cabral, M. Letourneau, J.S. McCartney, J.M. Parks, E. Yanful, Q. Song

Coupled Solute Mass Transport and Evaporation in Saline Soil
A. Dunmola, P. Simms

Evaluation of a Capillary Barrier at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
L.O. Williams, D.L. Hoyt, G.A. Hargreaves, S.F. Dwyer, J.G. Zornberg

Numerical Modelling of the Resaturation of Swelling Clay with Gas Injection
P. Gerard, J.-P Radu, J. Talandier, R. de La Vaissière, R. Charlier, F. Collin

THMC analysis of saturation and heating processes of an expansive clay barrier in radioactive waste isolation
L. Guimarães, A. Gens, M. Sánchez, S. Olivella

Evaluation of Landfill Gas Emission in Experimental Cover Layers in Brazil
F.J. Maciel, R.L. Lopes, J.F. Jucá

Gas Migration in Sand/Bentonite Mixtures through Preferential Paths
D. Arnedo, E.E. Alonso, S. Olivella, E. Romero

Laboratory Studies of the Addition of Bentonite to Landfill Cover Soil
R.L. Izzo, C.F. Mahler, K. Huse

Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Bentonite Blocks:Experimental Approaches
J.O. Lee, W.J. Cho, S.K. Kwon, J.W. Choi

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