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7/9/2010    10:50 - 13:00
Unsaturated Soil Behaviour: Thermal and Chemical Effects (A4)
Room: VS208
Chair: to be confirmed
Influence of Temperature Rise under Undrained Condition on the Shear Behavior of Unsaturated Sandy Soil Considering Solubility of Gaseous Components
Y. Katsuno, M. Iwabuchi, K. Ozawa, R. Uzuoka, M. Kazama

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of an Expansive Bentonite/Silt Mixture using Different Suction Controlled Techniques
H. Nowamooz, R. Gómez-Espina, M.V. Villar, F. Masrouri

Thermal Damage in Unsaturated Geomaterials
M. Mozayan, C. Arson, B. Gatmiri

Effect of Temperature on Collapse Potential of Kaolin Clay
A. Haghighi, G. Medero, P. Woodward, L. Laloui

Influence Analysis of the Contaminants Fluid in a Compacted Soil Collapse
E.Q. Motta, S.R. Ferreira

Influence of Temperature on the Water Retention Capacity of Soils. Analysis using Solution Thermodynamics
A.C. Jacinto, A. Ledesma, M.V. Villar, R. Gómez-Espina

Temperature Effects on Soil-water Retention Properties of Densely Compacted GMZ01 Bentonite
W.M. Ye, M. Wan, B. Chen, Y.J. Cui, J. Wang

Thermal Pulse Effects on the Stiffness Degradation of Unsaturated Clayey Materials
A. Lima , J.A. Pineda, E. Romero

Direct Measurement of Thermal Expansion in Unsaturated Soils
X. Pintado, A. Lloret

Determining the Thermal Conductivity as a Function of Previous Moisture for a Soil with Different Percentages of Gravels
C.M. Rubio, R. Josa, D.R. Cobos, C.S. Campbell, F. Ferrer

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