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7/9/2010    10:50 - 13:00
Testing Techniques: Laboratory, In Situ and Centrifuge (B)
Room: Sala d'Actes
Chair: Gerald Miller
Useful Laboratory Guidelines for Unsaturated Soils Research
J.L. Boyd, V. Sivakumar

Small-Strain Stiffness of Compacted Silty Sand using a Proximitor-Based Suction-Controlled Resonant Column Device
L.R. Hoyos, E.A. Suescun, J.A. Pineda, A.J. Puppala

Wave Velocity Analysis of State Parameter Changes in Multi-phase Granular Materials
F. Wuttke, M. Asslan, T. Schanz

Advances in Tensiometer Based Suction Control Systems
S.D. Lourenço, D. Gallipoli, D.G. Toll, C.E. Augarde, F.D. Evans

Calibration of a TDR Probe in an Expansive Soil
S. Fityus, K. Rajkai

Calibration of Smart Irrigation Sensor (SIS-UMS) for the Blanket Layer Soil from Old Railway Lines
V.N. Trinh, A.M. Tang, Y.J. Cui, J.C. Dupla, J. Canou, N. Calon, A. Robinet, L. Lambert, O. Schoen

Analysis of a Drawdown Test Displaying the Use of Transparent Soil in Unsaturated Flow Applications
G. Siemens, S. Peters, W.A. Take

Efficient Measurement of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity using a Wetting Front Advancing Method
X. Li, L.M. Zhang, D.G. Fredlund

Characterization of Unsaturated Zone Susceptible to Landslides in Tropical Volcanic Residual Soil with In-Situ Tests
P.P. Rahardjo, R Karlinasari

The Challenges of Performing Laboratory Controlled Cone Penetration Tests in Unsaturated Soils
M. Pournaghiazar, A.R. Russell, N. Khalili

Detecting Water Content Changes in Sand Samples by Means of Electrical Resistivity Tomography
R.M. Cosentini, G. Della Vecchia, S. Foti, G. Musso

A Novel Non-Contacting Laser Displacement Transducer Technique for Volume Change Measurements of Unsaturated Soils
X. Zhang, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn, Z. Cabarkapa, J. Sutton

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