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7/9/2010    10:50 - 13:00
Part I: Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Foundations (D2)
Part II: Part II: Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Pavements (D5)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Frans Molenkamp
Water Migration in Pavement Subgrade
E.J. Nelson, D.D. Overton

Identification, Characterization and Analysis of Deep Foundation in Collapsible Soil - Regional Prison of Eunápolis, Bahia / Brazil
R. Coutinho, B. Castro, K. Dourado

A Technique for Estimating the Shaft Resistance of Test Piles in Unsaturated Soils
S.K. Vanapalli, K.D. Eigenbrod, Z.N. Taylan, C. Catana, W.T. Oh, E. Garven

Piles Horizontal Bearing Capacity in Tropical Soil under Distinct Moisture Contents
M.A. de Almeida, M.G. Miguel, S.H. Teixeira

Settlement Prediction of Cyclically Loaded Footings Resting on Partially Saturated Sand by Means of a Kinematic Hardening Model
A. Becker

Performance and Design of Foundations on Unsaturated Expansive Soil
J.T. Bryant, M.A. Haque

Water Content Profiles for Design of Foundations on Expansive Soils
D.D. Overton, K.C. Chao, J.D. Nelson

Bearing Capacity of a Strip Footing on an Unsaturated Sand
T. Schanz, Y. Lins, S.K. Vanapalli

Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of a Residential Building on Expansive Soil Subject to a Leaking Underground
X. Zhang

Interpretation of the Bearing Capacity of Unsaturated Soils extending the Effective and the Total Stress Approaches
S.K. Vanapalli, W.T. Oh

A Simple Technique for Estimating the 1-D Heave in Expansive Soils
S.K. Vanapalli, L. Lu, W.T. Oh

Bearing Capacity of an Unsaturated Sand from Model Footing Tests
S.K. Vanapalli, R. Sun, X. Li

Comparison of Bearing Capacity of Unsaturated Sand using the Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) and the Plate Load Tests (PLT)
F.M. Mohamed, S.K. Vanapalli, M. Saatcioglu

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