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6/9/2010    11:50 - 13:00
Engineering Applications and Case Histories: Embankments (D4)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Tom Schanz
Influences of Spatially Varying Porosity on Unsaturated Flow through Earth Structures
T.M. Le, D. Gallipoli, S.J. Wheeler, M. Sanchez

Numerical Analysis of the Behaviour of Embankments Constructed with Expansive Soils
J.I. Ortega, A. Lloret, S. Olivella, E. Romero

Improvement and Controlling Deformation of the Expansive Soil Ground
L. C Miao, F. Wang, Y. Cui

Banking Simulation with a Constitutive Model for Unsaturated Soil
M. Tanaka, K. Kawai, S. Kanazawa, A. Iizuka, S. Tachibana, S. Ohno, T. Takeyama

Suction Changes during the Construction of an Embankment from A10 Motorway in Portugal
R. Cardoso, E. Maranha das Neves, P. Almeida Santos

Investigation of the Water Flow in an Embankment Built of Organic Soil: Experimental Results and Large Scale Field Test
E. Birle, M. Boso, D. Heyer

Failure of Peat Dykes by Drought
D. Nterekas, J. P Oostveen, F.A. Mathijssen, R.B. Brinkgreve, M.A. Hicks, F. Molenkamp

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