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Number of visits: 167562

International Advisory Committee

  • Barbour, S.L.* Canada
  • Bilé, P.* Portugal
  • Bilsel, H.* Turkey
  • Blatz, J.* Canada
  • Blight, G.F.* S.Africa
  • Campos, T.* Brazil
  • Cara, A.* Albania
  • Carrillo, A.* Peru
  • Charlier, R.* Belgium
  • Colmenares, J. Colombia
  • Cui, Y.J* France
  • Dapena, E. Spain
  • de Gennaro, V. France
  • de Justo, J.L Spain
  • Delage, P.* France
  • Fityus, S.G. Australia
  • Fredlund, D.* Canada
  • Frydman, S. Israel
  • Gallipoli, D. UK
  • Garbulewski, K.* Poland
  • Gatmiri, B.* Iran
  • Guimarães, L. Brazil
  • Habibagahi, G.* Iran
  • Harraz, A.* Egypt
  • Houston, S.* USA
  • Hoyos, L. USA
  • Isahanov, E.A.* Kazakhstan
  • Imre, E.* Hungary
  • Izuka, A.* Japan
  • Jommi, C.* Italy
  • Khalili, N. Australia
  • Kohgo, Y. Japan
  • Laloui, L. Switzerland
  • Leroueil, S. Canada
  • Lytton, R. USA
  • Mamoune, S.M.* Algeria
  • Mancuso, C.* Italy
  • Maranha d. N., E. * Portugal
  • Marinho, F. Brazil
  • Masin, D.* Czech & Slovakia
  • Masrouri, F. France
  • Miller, G.A.* USA
  • Molenkamp, F.* Netherlands
  • Ng, C. * Hong Kong
  • Oldecop, L.* Argentina
  • Park, S.W. * Korea
  • Rahardjo, H.* Singapore
  • Rao, S.* India
  • Rojas, E. Mexico
  • Sánchez, M. UK
  • Schanz, T.* Germany
  • Sheng, D. Australia
  • Smith, D. Australia
  • Soriano, A. Spain
  • Springman, S. Switzerland
  • Tarantino, A. Italy
  • Toll, D.* UK
  • Toyota, H.* Japan
  • Vanapalli, S.K. Canada
  • Vilar, O.* Brazil
  • Wheeler, S.* UK
  • Whenham, V.* Belgium
  • Zhan, L.* China
  • Zornberg, J. USA
  • Znidarcic, D.* Croatia


The TC6 Committee of the ISSMGE plays a leading role in the promotion of the series of international UNSAT Conferences. It participates actively in the technical aspects of the conferences and looks after the quality and general interest of the Conference. The Committee promotes cooperation and exchange of knowledge in unsaturated soils including, compacted, expansive, collapsible, arid, and residual soils.

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