GS - AM Material Modeling III | We09O02 Room: Aula Foscolo Chair: Dominic Soldner |
Method for the Simulative Determination of the Effective Mechanical Material Parameters of Support Structures in Laser Beam Melting C. Robl, D. Wolf and M.F. Zaeh Abstract |
Large deformation response of 3D printed soft lattice structures using micromechanical finite element analysis M. Jamshidian, N. Boddeti, D. W. Rosen and O. Weeger Abstract |
Fast Simulations of the Grain Structure Evolution in Additively Manufactured Materials O. Zinovieva, A. Zinoviev and V. Ploshikhin Abstract |
Numerical failure locus of micro-lattice structures obtained by SLM: validation of the models and comparison with experiments M. Gavazzoni, S. Foletti, S. Beretta and L. Patriarca Abstract |