IS - Topology and Shape Optimization for AM-ready Design IV Invited Session organized by Albert To, Fred Van Keulen, Oliver Weeger, Gengdong Cheng, Junji Kato and Ole Sigmund | Th05I01 Room: Aula Magna Chair: Oliver Weeger |
KEYNOTE LECTURE Integrated Optimization of Structure and Fabrication Process for Minimizing Distortion W. Wang, F. van Keulen and J. Wu Abstract |
Optimization-based design for manufacturing J. Robbins, M. Aguilo, B. Clark, B. Jared and K. Johnson Abstract |
Topology optimization of convective fluid flow with additive manufacturing constraints F Dugast and A To Abstract |
Mixed Integer Optimization for Truss Topology Design Problems as a Design Tool for AM Components C. Reintjes and U. Lorenz Abstract |
Approaching Ready to Print Designs with the Discrete Sequential Element Rejection and Admission (SERA) Method A. Garaigordobil, R. Ansola and O.M. Querin Abstract |
Additive Manufacturing of a topology optimized lightweight part of a humanoid robot S. Junk, B. Klerch and U. Hochberg Abstract |