19/7/2007 09:00 - 13:15
Phase Transitions
Room: Master room
Chair: Luciano Reatto
9:00-9:50 Quantum Phase Transitions on Percolating Lattices
T. Vojta
9:50-10:40 Non-Locality and the Saga of Short-Ranged Wetting Transitions
A.O. Parry, C Rascon
11:10-11:35 Ground State Properties of a Homogeneous 2D System of Bosons with Dipolar Interactions
G.E. Astrakharchik, J. Boronat, J. Casulleras, I.L. Kurbakov, Yu.E Lozovik
11:35-12:00 Liquid-solid Transition in 4He at T=0 K: Analytical Results about the Ground State Wave Function
E. Vitali, D.E. Galli, L. Reatto
12:00-12:50 Pairing in Many-fermion Systems: An Exact Renormalisation Group Treatment
M.C. Birse, B. Krippa, J.A. McGovern, N.R. Walet
12:50-13:15 Entropy of a Correlated System of Nucleons
A. Rios, A. Polls, A. Ramos, H. Muether