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Number of visits: 170860

This area is for Authors only

Presentations – Time and Equipment:

The Technical Programme consists of 5 Plenary Lectures, 11 Invited Sessions, 2 Contributed Sessions and 141 oral presentations, namely, 146 presentations overall.

Each regular presentation is allocated 20 minutes, and each plenary lecture is allocated 30 minutes. Times include questions.

The conference will not provide computers for presentations. Speakers are kindly invited to use their own laptop. An LCD projector will be present in each room. Please test your laptop with the projector in your session room during the coffee-break before your presentation.

No overhead projectors will be provided, therefore no presentations using transparencies will be possible.

Recommendations for your presentation:

The only connector available on the projector will be VGA. We suggest you to take with you any adaptor needed to connect your laptop to the VGA cable.

In order to prepare your slides for oral presentation please take also into account that the projectors available at the venue of the conference will have a resolution of 1024x768 pixels (4:3 aspect ratio).

If you are using PowerPoint, we recommend you to adjust the slide size in Design->Page Setup menu and choose 4:3 ratio to ensure the compatibility.

We strongly encourage you to have a backup of your presentation on a USB storage device in the event your laptop has a technical problem or is incompatible with the LCD projector.

Make sure that you have the necessary cords/converters/adapters so that your laptop will work with Italian power outlets and the LCD projector.

It is author’s responsibility to check in advance that presentations correctly work with the available version of the installed software.

Power sockets and plug converters for electricity in Italy:

In Italy the standard voltage is 230 V. The standard frequency is 50 Hz. The power sockets that are used are of type L.

You can use your electric appliances in Italy if the standard voltage in your country is in between 220V - 240V. If the standard voltage in your country is in the range of 100V - 127V, you need a power converter. If the label on the appliance states 'INPUT: 100-240V, 50/60 Hz', it can be used in all countries of the world.

Power socket type L
Italian power outlet with a typical power socket, a Schuko Grounded socket for large appliances, and a power switch. An adapter plug will fit into the two outer holes of either socket.
Plug adapter to convert the US rectangular pronged plug to the round prong Italian power plug used in most.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
IGA@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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