3/7/13    08:30 - 11:50
PP.25: New Chem Ingr & Handling
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 7
Chair: Thomas Klapoetke
CoChair: Filippo Maggi
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Progress in the Development of High Energy Dense Oxidizers based on CHNO(F)-compounds
Q. J.  Axthammer, M A.  Kettner, T. M.  Klapötke, R. Moll and S. F.  Rest

Thermal Characterization of Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN) - Hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN) mixture
A. Rahman, J.K. Chin and T.F. Wahida Ku Chik

Microscale Electrolytic Decomposition of Hydroxylammonium Nitrate (HAN) Solution in micro-combustion chambers
J.K. Chin , K.S.  Koh and T.F.W. Ku Chik

Research and Development on Thrusters with HAN (Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate) Based Monopropellant (*)
N. Azuma, K. Hori, T. Katsumi, R. Amrousse, T. Nagata, K. Hatai, T. Kobayashi, Y. Nakayama, T. Matsumura and S. Fujiwara

Combustion characteristics of GAP fules for ducket engine
S. Ruiqi , H. Aijun, Y. Yinghua, W. Lizhi, H. Yan and Z. Peng

Activation of micrometric aluminum-metal oxides mixtures by mechanical milling
S. Dossi, F. Maggi, L. Facciolati and L.T. DeLuca

Preparation, transformation and characterization of different aluminum hydride AlH3 phases (alanes)
W. Cong , L. Potet, N. Herault, R. Brahmi, Y. Batonneau , C. Kappenstein, G. Jacob, C. Perut, Y. Guelou and E. Labarthe