  Supporting Organizations

Number of visits: 317095


The purpose of the course is to present and demonstrate the use of finite element based methods for the solution of problems involving plasticity.

Particular attention will be devoted to finite strain conditions, with consideration being given to both rate independent and rate dependent situations. The use of numerical techniques is essential for solving problem involving complex geometry and including non-linear geometrical and material behaviour and such computations are being increasingly undertaken in industrial and research environments. The continuing advances in workstation technology and future hardware developments will accelerate the acceptance of such numerical techniques for commercial analysis and design.

There have been significant advances in the last few years in the development of robust and efficient solution procedures for elasto-plastic problems.

In particular, the treatment of finite strain plasticity problems has reached a sufficient stage of maturity for the solution of practical problems to be undertaken with confidence. The course considers rate independent (quasi-static) and rate dependent (viscoplastic and dynamic) situations for both infinitesimal and finite strain conditions.

In addition to establishing the fundamental theoretical expressions in a form suitable for numerical implementation, emphasis is placed on the development and implementation of consistently linearised algorithms to ensure quadratic convergence rates. Other topics associated with the simulation of practical problems will be covered; including contact/friction modelling, damage evolution, advanced constitutive models and adaptive meshing concepts.

The course will also provide a short introduction to the topic of discrete elements which, when used in conjunction with conventional finite elements, provide a powerful procedure for several important classes of problems, such as multi-fracturing solids.

Consideration will be given to the practical difficulties encountered in the solution of industrial problems and time will be devoted to general discussion and the provision of specific problem advice.


International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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