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Special Session on:
Multiphase Flow and Transport Modeling on Different Scales

In order to solve complex problems such as CO_2 sequestration, NAPL infiltration, or the storage of radioactive waste, multiphysics, multiscale models are indispensible. Often, one can recognize different subdomains for different complex processes, which are governed by small-scale effects. These subdomains require fine resolution. But for comprehensive fine-scale models taking into account multiphase, multicomponent processes as well as heterogeneities in the entire modeling domain, data collection is often far too expensive, and the computational effort is considerable. Therefore, general multiscale, multiphysics concepts are necessary to bridge the gap between various processes and scales.

For this session, we solicit presentations involving new and recent research on theoretical methods that link the molecular with the Darcy scale, as well as research on developing numerical schemes and methods that include multiphase flow and transport at various scales in one solution area. The aim of this research would be to integrate upscaling and numerical methods, such as domain decomposition and multiscale finite volumes, within the advanced framework of multiscale modeling. Contributions that consider applications are also invited.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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