Symposium Topics
  Scope of the Symposium
  Invited Speakers
  Organizing Committee
  Special Sessions
  Submission of Contributions
  Proceedings and Publication
  Important Dates
  Instructions for Authors
  Supporting Organizations
  Past BIFD edition (Nottingham, 2009)

Number of visits: 151009

Symposium Topics

TOPICS OF THE SYMPOSIUM INCLUDE (but are not limited to):

  • Rotating flows
  • Convection and Buoyancy Driven Flows
  • Shear flows
  • Transition to turbulence and control
  • Instabilities in technological applications
  • Boundary layer instabilities
  • Jet and wake instabilities
  • Non-Newtonian Flows
  • Reacting and Compressible Flows
  • Computational methods in fluids
  • Numerical methods in large-scale bifurcation analysis
  • Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  • Biological fluid flows
  • Granular media
  • Drops and bubbles
  • Liquid films and drops
  • MHD flows
  • Microfluidics Dynamics
  • Multiphase Flows
  • Multiscale Phenomena
  • Suspensions
  • Vortex Dynamics and 3D Vortex Flows
  • Fluid-Elastic instabilities

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