Symposium Topics
  Scope of the Symposium
  Invited Speakers
  Organizing Committee
  Special Sessions
  Submission of Contributions
  Proceedings and Publication
  Important Dates
  Instructions for Authors
  Supporting Organizations
  Past BIFD edition (Nottingham, 2009)

Number of visits: 159933


Financial Support for Students and Young Researchers

  • Depending on the amount of additional funding, grants for graduate students, young attendants (under 30), young faculty (under 40) and people from developing countries will be offered.
  • This support will be in the form of registration fee waivers.
  • Registration fees include lunch, coffee breaks for four days, reception and the conference banquet. Other meals, ground transportation, airfare, and miscellaneous expenses will be the responsibility of the attendee.
  • If you want to be considered for financial assistance, send an email to the Secretariat indicating the following items:
    • Name
    • Institution
    • Title of paper
    • Position (grad student, post-doc, professor, etc.)
    • Age
  • Given the limited number funding available for financial support and the large number of participants requesting support, please do not request support that can be covered by other resources.
  • We have already got some finantial support, but a significant part of it is going to arrive around the symposium or later. The number and amount of grants (registration fee waivers) and the corresponding reimbursements will be made at the symposium or later. We apologize for the inconveniences.

To apply for the scholarships, it is required that the applicant has paid the registration fee to the Symposium.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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