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Number of visits: 118466

Monday, June 8

11:30 - 13:00

13:00 - 13:30
Welcome Introduction
Room: Amphi A
13:30 - 14:30
Room: Amphi A

Physics dependent de-featuring, is it a prerequisite for mesh generation?
O. Hassan and R. Sevilla

14:40 - 16:00
Mesh & Adaptivity I
Invited Session organized by Thierry Coupez and Simona Perotto
Room: Amphi A

Convergent Error-Controlled Mesh Adaptation
G. Brethes, A. Loseille, F. Alauzet and A. Dervieux

Automatic Patient Specific Simulation of Trabecular Bone by using h-Adapted Meshes with Cartesian Grid Finite Element Method
L. Giovannelli, J.M. Navarro-Jiménez, W. Roque, M. Tur and J.J. Ródenas

Anisotropic Error Estimates for Adapted Dynamic Meshes
N. Barral and F. Alauzet

Control & Adaptation for Dynamics Problems I
Invited Session organized by Bing Tie
Room: Amphi B9

On Explicit Error Estimates for the Elastic Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media
W. Xu, R. Cottereau and B. Tie

Verification for eigenvalue problems
L. Wang, L. Chamoin and P. Ladevèze

Adaptive Space Time Finite Element Methods for Dynamic Nonlinear Thermomechanical Coupled Problems
A. Rademacher

Adaptive Finite Element Simulation of Multi-Physics Turbulent Flow with Applications in Aerodynamics
L. Billon, Y. Mesri and E. Hachem

Enabling Techniques for Error Estimation and Adaptation on High Performance Machines I
Invited Session organized by Christian Rey and Alvaro Coutinho
Room: Amphi B8

Goal-oriented Error Control within Non-overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods to Solve Elliptic Problems
V. Rey, P.  Gosselet and C. Rey

Constitutive Relation Error Estimator : An Admissible Field Construction using a Domain Decomposition Strategy
E. Florentin, S. Pavot, B. Magnain and L. Champaney

Controlling Parallel Adaptive Sparse Grid Collocation Simulations with Chiron
V. S. Souza, G. Guerra, M. Mattoso, F.A. Rochinha and A.L.G. Coutinho

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30
Mesh & Adaptivity II
Invited Session organized by Thierry Coupez
Room: Amphi A

Improved Conformal Adaptation for Hexahedral Meshes
G. Nicolas and T. Fouquet

A Priori Goal-Based Error Estimation and Anisotropic Adaptive Mesh Control Applied to Compressible Viscous Flows
A.C. Belme, A. Dervieux and F.  Alauzet

Can Adaptive Mesh Refinement Produce Grid-independent Solutions for Complex Flows?
J. Wackers, G. Deng, E. Guilmineau, A. Leroyer, P. Queutey, M. Visonneau, A. Palmieri and A. Liverani

Adaptive remeshing for industrial CFD
A. Limare, H. Borouchaki and P. Brenner

Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Brittle Fractures Applied to a Generalized Ambrosio-Tortorelli Model
M. Signorini, S. Micheletti and S. Perotto

Adaptive Strategies For Viscous Simulations
V. Menier, A. Loseille and F. Alauzet

Quality of Model Order Reduction I
Invited Session organized by Elias Cueto Prendes and Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida
Room: Amphi B9

Verification of Reduced-Order Models for Real-Time Applications with Haptic Feedback
D. Gonzalez, P. Díez, S. Zlotnik, E. Cueto and F. Chinesta

A Posteriori Verification of PGD Reduced Models with Application to Engineering Computation
P.-E. Allier, L. Chamoin and P. Ladevèze

Mathematical and Numerical Study on the Parametric Sensitivity of a Structural Dynamic Hyper-reduction
N. Akkari, F.  Daim and D. Ryckelynck

Improving the k-Compressibility in Hyper Reduced Order Models with Moving Sources
A. Cosimo, A. Cardona and S. Idelsohn

Accuracy Assessment of PGD-LATIN method for power flow problems in electric grids
R. García-Blanco and P. Díez

Control & Adaptation for Stochastic Problems I
Invited Session organized by Regis Cottereau and Marie Billaud-Friess
Room: Amphi B8

Utilizing Adjoint-based Error Estimates to Adaptively Resolve Response Surface Approximations
T. Wildey, T.  Butler and J. Jakeman

Adaptive Methods for Efficient Sampling in Molecular Dynamic Simulations
T. Lelièvre

Goal-based Adaptive Control of Stochastic and Deterministic Errors in Compressible CFD
J. Van Langenhove, D. Lucor and A.C. Belme

Fast r-adaptivity for multiple queries of heterogeneous stochastic material fields
R. Cottereau and P. Díez

19:00 - 20:00

Tuesday, June 9

08:30 - 09:30
Room: Amphi A

The Multiscale Challenges in Modeling Fracture of Metals
W.A. Curtin

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 12:00
Mesh & Adaptivity III
Invited Session organized by Thierry Coupez
Room: Amphi A

Automatic Geometric Transformations Over the Input Domain to Produce a Better Mesh with an Octree-based technique
C. Lobos and S. Durán

Camarón: A Visualization Tool for the Quality Inspection of Polyhedrical Meshes
A. Canepa, N. Hitschfeld-Kahler and C. Lobos

The Application of Multi-Scale and Adaptive Simulation Methods to Tidal Energy Systems
M.D. Piggott, A. Avdis, D.M. Culley, P.E. Farrell, S.W. Funke, C.T. Jacobs and S.C. Kramer

Efficient 3D Finite Element Analysis Based on Cartesian Grids Considering Exact CAD Geometries
O. Marco, R. Sevilla, Y. Zhang, M. Tur and J.J. Ródenas

A Study of Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation through High-Dimensional Embeddings
F. Dassi, H. Si and S. Perotto

Implementation of a Second Order Immersed Boundary Method in a Code with Automatic h-Adaptive Grid Refinement
D.M.S. Albuquerque and J.C.F. Pereira

Quality of Model Order Reduction II
Invited Session organized by Elias Cueto Prendes
Room: Amphi B9

Effectivity and Limits of PGD Computational Techniques
P. Ladevèze, P.-E. Allier, L. Chamoin and D. Néron

A ’’Tuning-free” Multi-Field Reduced Basis Method with Application to Multiscale Modelling
P. Kerfriden, K.C. Hoang and S.P.A. Bordas

Effect of the Separated Approximation of Input Data in the Accuracy of the Resulting PGD Solution
S. Zlotnik, P. Díez and A. Huerta

Interpolation of the Inverse of Parameter Dependent Operator for preconditioning Parametric and Stochastic Equations
O. Zahm, M. Billaud-Friess and A. Nouy

A domian decomposition method in free vibration of stepped beam with restraint edges and resting on Winkler foundation
Y. Kumar

A Method of Analytical Decomposition in Analyses of Elastic Structures of Complex Geometry
A.V. Matrosov

Control & Adaptation for Stochastic Problems II
Invited Session organized by Regis Cottereau
Room: Amphi B8

A Posteriori Error Estimation for PDEs with Small Uncertainties
D Guignard, F Nobile and M Picasso

Variance Reduction in Random Homogenization: Special Quasirandom Structures
W. Minvielle, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll

Uncertainty Quantification in Porous Media with Multi-Level Monte Carlo
B. Saad, H. Hoel, S. Prudhomme and R. Tempone

Sparse Generalized Polynomial Chaos Expansion for Non-intrusive Uncertainty Quantification in Aerodynamic Computations
E. Savin, A. Resmini and J. Peter

Spectral-based numerical method for Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces.
F. Delgado-Vences and F. Flandoli

12:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:30
Round Table Discussion
Room: Amphi A
14:40 - 16:00
Mesh & Adaptivity IV
Invited Session organized by Thierry Coupez
Room: Amphi A

High Order Anisotropic Adaptive Meshing by Generalisation of the Length Distribution Tensor Paradigm
T. Coupez

Curved Meshing for High Reynolds Flows Solved using High Order Framework
C. Dobrzynski, R. Abgrall and A.  Froehly

Geometrical Accuracy and Numerical Properties of High-Order Meshes
T. Toulorge, J. Lambrechts, C. Geuzaine and J.-F. Remacle

High-order Mesh Untangling and Smoothing Using the Hierarchical Smoother
E. Ruiz-Gironés, X. Roca and J. Sarrate

Control & Adaptation for Dynamics Problems II
Invited Session organized by Bing Tie
Room: Amphi B9

Complementarity in Structural Dynamics: A New Procedure for Bounding Eigenfrequencies
J.P. Moitinho de Almeida and E.A.W. Maunder

Adaptive Modeling and Numerical Approximation for a Simple Example of Multiscale Hyperbolic Relaxation System
F. Coquel, E. Godlewski, K. Haddaoui, C. Marmignon and F. Renac

Multiscale Hybrid Methods for Time-Domain Electromagnetics
S. Lanteri, R. Léger, D. Paredes, C. Scheid and F. Valentin

Enabling Techniques for Error Estimation and Adaptation on High Performance Machines II
Invited Session organized by Christian Rey
Room: Amphi B8

Supercomputer Simulation of Gas Flow Properties in Metallic Microchannel
T. Kudryashova and S. Polyakov

An Optimized Approximation Space for Trefftz-Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
P. Gosselet and L. Kovalevsky

PRACE Project Results : Performing Calculations on Full Tier0 Supercomputers with Mesh Adaptation and FEM very Large Linear Systems Resolution
H. Digonnet, L. Silva and T. Coupez

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30
Mesh & Adaptivity V
Invited Session organized by Thierry Coupez
Room: Amphi A

Direct Numerical Simulation from 3D Imaging
J.X. Zhao, E. Decencière, T. Coupez and L. Silva

GEOGRAM: a Library of Geometric Algorithms
B. Lévy and A. Filbois

Flow Computations on Urban Environments Built from 3D Dense Point Plouds or Triangulations using Anisotropic Adaptation and Implicit Functions
L. Silva, H. Digonnet and T. Coupez

Impact of Mesh Adaptivity on the Interpretation of Transport Processes in Porous Media
G. Porta, B.  Esfandiar, S. Perotto and A. Guadagnini

Prediction of Ventricular Boundary Evolution in Hydrocephalic bBain Via a Combined Level Set and Adaptive Finite Element Mesh Warping Method
S. Shontz and C. Drapaca

Validation & Data Assimilation I
Invited Session organized by Serge Prudhomme
Room: Amphi B9

A Real Time Solution Reconstruction and Material Identification with Data Obtained from Measures in Combination with the Proper Generalized Decomposition
E. Nadal, F. Chinesta, P. Díez and F.J. Fuenmayor

Real-time Model Updating using Modified CRE, Kalman Filtering, and PGD-Reduced Models
L. Chamoin, B. Marchand and C. Rey

Identification of Heterogeneous Elastoplastic Behaviors using Constitutive Equation Gap Method
T. Madani, Y. Monerie, S. Pagano, C. Pelissou and B Wattrisse

Real-Time Object Tracking Based On Sequential Frames
B. N Le and D. TLTran

Adaptive Response Surface Approximation Method for Bayesian Inference
S. Prudhomme and C.M. Bryant

Applications I TuE03
Room: Amphi B8

Active Learning Surrogate Models for the Conception of Systems with Multiple Failure Modes
G. Perrin

Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Degree-adaptive Computations
G. Giorgiani, S. Fernández-Méndez and A. Huerta

Dirichlet Boundary Conditions in Sequences of Cartesian Grids using a Stabilized Lagrange Multipliers Technique Based on Recovered Tractions
J.M. Navarro-Jiménez, O. Marco, M. Tur and J.J. Ródenas

An Adjoint Approach to Determine the Optimal Source Term for Modelling Vortex Generators
L. Florentie, A.H. van Zuijlen and H. Bijl

Enabling Goal Oriented Adaptivity and Sensitivity Analysis for Reacting Flows
V. Carey, S. Plessis, R.  Stogner, P.  Bauman and R.  Moser

19:00 - 22:00

Wednesday, June 10

08:30 - 09:30
Room: Amphi A

Recent advances in Hierarchical Model (HiMod) reduction
S. Perotto

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 12:00
Validation & Data Assimilation II
Invited Session organized by Serge Prudhomme
Room: Amphi B8

A Study of the Sensitivity of a Sequential Variational Data Assimilation Algorithm to the Errors of the Input Data
S. Belginova, A. Penenko, A. Bublikov and S. Rakhmetullina

Sparse Grid, Reduced Basis Approximation for Bayesian Inverse Problems
P. Chen and C. Schwab

On the Predictive Capabilities of Multiphase Darcy Flow Models
M. Icardi and S. Prudhomme

Guaranteed Bounds
Invited Session organized by to be confirmed
Room: Amphi A

A Posteriori Analysis for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems, Application to Electronic Structure Calculations
E. Cancès, G. Dusson, Y. Maday, B. Stamm and M. Vohralik

An Adaptive Inexact Uzawa Algorithm Based on Polynomial-Degree-Robust a Posteriori Estimates for the Stokes Problem
M. Čermák, F. Hecht, Z. Tang and M. Vohralík

An adaptive scheme for homogenised domains
D. A. Paladim, P. Kerfriden, J.P.M. Almeida and S.P.A. Bordas

A Posteriori Estimation of Modeling Error for a Building Thermal Model
X. Li, A. Nassiopoulos, J. Waeytens and R. Chakir

Space-Time Decomposition of A Posteriori Error Estimate for Linear and Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Semi-Implicit Schemes
X. Wu, K. G. van der Zee, G. Simsek and E. H.  van Brummelen

Applications II WeM03
Room: Amphi B8

Improving the Convergence of Bounds for Effective Elastic Parameters of Heterogeneous Materials
C. E.  Heaney and P. Kerfriden

A quality Criterion for Multiresolution Computations
O. Roussel and A. Hadjadj

Modeling and Simulation of the Shrink Fit Assembly Behavior under the Influence of Axisymmetric Defect Form
H. Boutoutaou and J.F. Fontaine

Parallel Program Complex for Fluid Flows Simulation on Hybrid GPU-Based Computer Systems
B.N. Chetverushkin, A.A. Davydov and E.V. Shilnikov

12:00 - 13:30
Closure & farewell cocktail