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  About PADRI-2017
      Technical Description
      Format of the Workshop
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Number of visits: 44179

Platform for Aircraft Drag Reduction Innovation

This test case proposed for computation reproduces, even at low velocity, a typical shock wave pattern in the region of the junction strut-wing of an aircraft.

The main objective of the Open Workshop is to find candidate flow control technologies and optimization strategies that can minimize shock wave and interference drag in the strut-wing junction region in cruise condition.

In order to simplify the problem, some constraints have been setup, so that the geometrical modifications should be confined to a defined small region around the strut-wing junction, and the objective function is clearly explained in order to ensure computational data results comparisons across all the technology solutions and participants.

A computational platform will allow all participants to compare on outputs and formats selected by organizers their respective data results installed on a Database with respect to the reference (baseline) and to show the benefit of the chosen flow control technology.

The workshop intends to contribute to fill the gap between the different technology models and their application.

ECCOMAS Industry Interest Group (IIG)

The ECCOMAS Industry Interest Group (IIG) is actively promoting the ECCOMAS Advanced Workshop PADRI.

The high level objective of this workshop is to strengthen the ECCOMAS industrial group and to develop contact between ECCOMAS and the DGs of the European Commission.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
PADRI@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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