CS - Form-finding with Graphic Statics | WeM6 Room: Diamant Chair: Masoud Akbarzadeh |
Superposed functions as Airy stress functions for form-finding of funicular shell structures A. F. Devin, M Miki, D Fang, J Baranowski, J Wang and W. F. Baker Abstract |
Shape optimization of masonry arch against static seismic loads T KIMURA, S FUJITA, M OHSAKI, T MICHIELS and S Adriaenssens Abstract |
Ultimate Force Boundary of Trusses C. Jiang Abstract |
Continuum form and force diagrams in NURBS-based shell form-finding M. Miki, T. Mitchell and W.F. Baker Abstract |
On the Applications of Michell’s Theory in Design of Buildings, Bridges and other Engineering Structures C Graczykowski and T Lewinski Abstract |